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Merton College

Vox Humana

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I see Merton College is setting up a new choral foundation with Peter Phillips as DoM.




Phillips says that he longs to direct Blair in B minor and Stainer's Eyesore. (http://www.peterphillips.info/) I don't know the organ, but someone here recently described it as "weedy" and its spec hardly seems ideal for Victoriana. I wonder whether we can look forward to it being replaced.

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I see Merton College is setting up a new choral foundation with Peter Phillips as DoM.




Phillips says that he longs to direct Blair in B minor and Stainer's Eyesore. (http://www.peterphillips.info/) I don't know the organ, but someone here recently described it as "weedy" and it's spec hardly seems ideal for Victoriana. I wonder whether we can look forward to it being replaced.


How exciting to have another choral foundation - that's pretty heartening? I've always enjoyed the Merton organ, which is much more musical, versatile and appropriately voiced to its surroundings than some more recent efforts. I assume they'll now go to bi-annual organ scholarships like the other three, then?

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  • 3 weeks later...
I gather that Peter Phillips will have an assistant too; Benjamin Nicholas (of Dean Close School and Tewkesbury Abbey School Choir) has been appointed, according to one report I've seen.


A good choice judging by his work at Tewkesbury and as son of Michael Nicholas (ex Norwich Cath. RCO etc.) keeping another dynasty (Nethsingha, Lumsden etc.) going in the 'system'.



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