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Jen W

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Posts posted by Jen W

  1. Excuse my butting in as I haven't posted in a long while, but does anyone know where I can get a copy of Frank Martin's "Agnus Dei pour orgue"? I should say I've spied a used copy from Canada which will cost around £15 inc shipping, so I was hoping for something closer to home.


    Many thanks

  2. it would scarcely be an exaggeration to say that this sounded like the music I had been waiting for all my life.

    ...that is exactly how I felt on first hearing....


    Tom Walker's realisations of the offices are powerful and haunting ; I met Tom years ago at his St Paul's Cathedral exhibitions and we have been firm friends since. In around 1990 we gave a series of concert performances of the Seven Words with his paintings in a couple of English cathedrals, as well as music festivals overseas

    ...I think this must have been the exhibition which I saw at Brighton St Peter (my local church at the time)...

  3. I too am a great fan of Tournemire's music. I tend to keep the Delvalle CD's in the car and work through them from time to time on long journeys. No traffic jam can be boring if you have L'Orgue Mystique to go at.


    I particularly like the masses that end with a Chorale Alleluiatique (sp?). Last autumn whilst on holiday in Devon one of them captured my mind to the extent that I had to listen to it 3 or 4 times a day. Is it just me being a little obsessive or do other people sometimes get this reaction to a piece?

    ...I keep mine for listening on the train now, although I started by setting myself a quota to listen to at bedtime, but that was a little contrived I fear and soon tailed off!! I bought the Delvallee sets on three consecutive trips to Paris about five years ago (from FNAC)...and no, I personally don't think it's obsessive to listen over and again - and then to continue listening in one's head for weeks on end...

  4. My pedalboard is 'standard' Well, whatever that means! It certainly isn't half size and transferring from it at home to the church I give regular recitals at, and to the Church I'm DoM at doesn't give me any grief at all...

    ...sorry all, I meant that it's shorter from back to front (I've heard this called 'half size' by another manufacturer!!!) and possibly slightly narrower, but, no, otherwise r&c, 30 notes etc

  5. I have the Wyvern Sonata model, two manual. I bought it nearly nine years ago, and at the time had to have the two manual for reasons of money and space. At the time Anthony Bogdan was the Northern Manager, he came with his box of tricks and fine tuned the stops as I wanted them. The touch is just right, not too light so that transferrring to mechanical actions is OK. He tightened the pedals a little as I thought they were too light...

    I use it most days, the wear on the pedalboard shows this, and, touch-wood, it has never let me down in any way. It's stood a house move too, and in both houses it lives upstairs, easy as the console furniture is not too bulky. I exclusively use headphones, originally because we had neighbours to consider, but now because I prefer the sound/experience.

    Hello Dulciana - I have a Wyvern Sonata two manual which I bought in December - although I may not be the best advisor as I'm a beginner. Being rather ancient, I felt I'd absolutely have to have a home practice instrument in order to make any decent progress. However, I'm so delighted with the Sonata. I was a little worried about the size of the pedalboard at first, which is half size, but it's fine and I have little problem transferring to the pipe organ for lessons - the ideal instrument if there are contraints of cost and space...

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