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Peter Godden

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Posts posted by Peter Godden

  1. My interest in St maximin is as a French classical organ - I've just obtained a copy of a fascinating book dating from 1954 about the restoration at the time. I think the Liszt fanfare comes off well, & it sent me hunting for the CD from which it came. Here I was treated to a few bars of Piece Heroique, which sounded distinctly odd! http://www.voiceoflyrics.com/gr/014/014_e.html.

    I have 2 further thoughts, An old LP of Robbie Cleaver playing Gilbert & Sullivan at Manchester Town Hall, & treating "A policeman's lot is not a hppy one" as a duet between a Tuba and a big Trompette. Rather more respectably, having been granted a short play at St George's Windsor, my attention was drawn to the Solo Trumpet & Clarion, the trumpet English, the Clarion French. There was no doubt as to which was the more effective stop, La France willing mains en bas.

    Peter Godden

  2. yes, I have. Generally, very well played indeed. But I wish Mr Fletcher had warned us about Latry's decision to interpolate a sort of mini-cadenza at the end of Piece Heroique. It is, shall we say, an "error of judgement". Franck's (fine) ending needs no further inflation.

    Peter Godden

  3. I too remember Noel Rawsthorne playing this a lot in and around Liverpool in the '60s, something of a party piece. The OUP version he edited with his Liverpool Cathedral registration in mind, but he certainly used to play it elsewhere with the repeat an octave higher (thereby encouraging me to do the same, which I still do).

    The glissando "crept in". His first recording, on a 1965 Ryemuse 7" EP, is played staright, but he puts in the glissando on the 12" LP from the following year. The LP has recently been reissued on CD by Priory, also every track on the EP except the Mushel on a different CD.

    NR was not without showmanship skills. Also, he was inclined to edit and re-edit music in such a way as to remove the ineffective complications of composers & previous editors. Well, at least ineffective in such a building as Liverpool Cathedral. Anything to make life easy, I think.

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