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John Morris

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Posts posted by John Morris

  1. Rather fine set of Six Fantasies on Hymn Tunes (Helmsley, Aus der Tiefe, Little canonic variations on Jesus bids us shine, St Columba, Veni Emmanuel and Hanover) by Kenneth Leighton op 72 published by BR and dedicated to Herrick Bunney.  Shall be playing Aus der Tiefe on Wednesday next week!

  2. Years ago, I played at a funeral at an RC church with a west end organ, miles away from anybody; can't remember what the first hymn was, but the second was 'How Great Thou Art'.  The priest managed to announce them in the wrong order with 'How Great Thou Art' first, so, rather than fumble through the hymn book, I decided to busk it and a quick mental run-through of the first line or so pointed me to the key of F.   That all worked fine until the second half of the tune where the hapless congregation suddenly found themselves having to screech up to high A's.  I've always been wary of that hymn ever since (as I'm sure they have)!

  3. I haven't seen Roger Fisher's yet, but I was very grateful to be able to observe online, and passively participate in, the funeral of Catherine Ennis (who died six months ago today) and thought it was a beautiful and moving occasion.  It was, of course, done in a highly professional manner.  

  4. I find the JSB B minor quite ominous, maybe even menacing.  That might translate into the progression from the triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to the distressing aspects of denial, betrayal and death manifesting themselves later that week. 

  5. Quote: (And yes, I know that the plural of forum is meant to be 'fora' but that does seem very pedantic these days, and I think I saw in at least one university style guide recently that Latin plurals could/should be avoided).

    Thoroughly agree with Martin Cook's excellent comments above and join him in welcoming new blood into this excellent forum.

    I suppose the forum/fora thing is a bit of a moot point, but I have every intention of retaining the correct plural of syllabus, if only to avoid drenching the person to whom I am talking with the somewhat cumbersome 'syllabuses'!

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