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Also Sprach Zarathustra

Jeremy Ewen

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Many years ago, when the Apollo moon missions were going up regularly, I recall seeing one of the rockets taking off on TV with ASZ playing. I seem to recall that it had the deep pedal note playing for quite a long time after the final mighty chord, and also beforehand for a bit longer than usual. I have listened to many different versions but have never found this one, and being (like most of us on this forum) a bass freak I wondered if anyone knew which version/recording it was. It would have been late 60s/early 70s.


Alternatively, are there any current versions out there with extra long pedal intro/outro?


Thanks in advance.



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Many years ago, when the Apollo moon missions were going up regularly, I recall seeing one of the rockets taking off on TV with ASZ playing. I seem to recall that it had the deep pedal note playing for quite a long time after the final mighty chord, and also beforehand for a bit longer than usual. I have listened to many different versions but have never found this one, and being (like most of us on this forum) a bass freak I wondered if anyone knew which version/recording it was. It would have been late 60s/early 70s.


Alternatively, are there any current versions out there with extra long pedal intro/outro?


Thanks in advance.








First things first, I am not a bass freak.........


I suspect that the music used for the Apollo space-mission "soundtracks" was quite probably taken off the original recording of the score to Stanley Kubrick's film, "2001 - A Space Odyssey"....often described as the greatest film ever made, and which also featured music by Ligeti.


If they "bent the score," it would probably be due to the length of the opening sequence in the film, which was probably played by the Bavarian Symphony Orchestra. No matter.....that original film-score is still available so far as I know, but now in full-bass, window-rattling CD format.


If you really want to know ALL the details, such as the level of humidity when it was recorded or what type of sausages the conductor ate for lunch, there's a bit of a film-music geeks site at:-




I feel sure that they would enjoy trying to answer your question, and if they couldn't, they would have a lot of fun in failing.


As for current versions, why not make one?


It's so easy to be creative in this digital world, even without leaving the comfort of a chair.


If this fails to satisfy, I am sure that there are members on the board who could arrange for you to have recordings of really long, really loud bass notes.



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