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Posts posted by Andy

  1. I've just noticed an ad in the 'classifieds' section of OR for an Organ Showcase at Brentford Cathedral. I've lived in London all my forty something years and never noticed a cathedral when traversing west London. Google doesn't seem to know either.

    Can anyone shed any light for me, please?


    Dazed and condused.

  2. Reading this reminded me that I once wrote a work called Icons which was commissioned to be played in the sensationally restored Armenian church in (St Peter's - as was) Cranley Gardens. What a place! - and with endless rows of seats slightly more luxurious than those in the restored Royal Opera House! Icons used extensively the liturgical Armenian chants which were sent in a bundle to me. I have reached up on a top shelf and found the said piece. So it did happen!



    Is it available for purchase/hearing?

  3. I think its woth playing the whole hymn tune suite. It rarely features in recitals these days which is a shame. Both Lumetto and Veni Emmanuel are good. I last heard it played as a suite by John Langdon at Dunfermline Abbey in the early eighties in the prescence of the composer.


    Recently, at Westminster Cathedral, I heard Oliver Brett and Matthew Martin play KL's duet on 'Martyrs'. An example of KL's ability to create something exciting out of what is austere material.


    Veni Emmanuel is excellent. I played it as a voluntary before Midnight Mass a year or two ago and it prompted an enthusiastic response.

  4. Hi,


    I really like this piece and am thinking about putting it into a recital programme along with a Bach Preude + Fugue, some Messiaen, a Franck Choral and possibly some more Leighton. Just wondered what people thoughts on this piece are and whether they think it suitable recital material. Also how hard is this piece? Does it it into the ABRSM Grade structure?


    Thanks Andy


    I learnt this for ARCO a few years ago. It is tricky mainly due to the speed and has some poly rhythmic bits which you just have to learn each line, shut your eyes and hope for the best. But yes, it is definitely worth it.


    Andy (There's a lot of us about)

  5. Twice recently I have been questioned as to why I feel the need to practise the organ. The first time was by a priest, incredibly, who said that since I played the same sort of stuff every week why did I need to rehearse?


    The second thought that now I had learned how to play the organ there was no need for me to carry on learning, invoking the "riding a bike" analogy.


    Do you get similar criticism?




    When a parishioner said that to me once they explained, quickly, that it had been intended as a compliment. They simply meant that they felt there was no need for any further improvement.

  6. There was a 'Hammer' film on last night called 'Tales from the Crypt'. The familiar strains of THE toccata was the accompaniment to the opening credits. To my surprise not only was the title music credited but so was the performer - Nicholas Kynaston. The soundtrack to the first of the 'tales from the Crypt -( crypt not credited) - was also organ music and carols with organ. Was this also NK? Where was it recorded?

  7. I played for the LFB Remembrance Servive as usual on Sunday. As this is held in the HQ foyer the only available instrument is a small (cheap) Casio keyboard. Normally I manage to do a reasonable job but this year the piece that I was going to play at the end slid of the (pathetic excuse for a) music stand and collided with the auto start for the rhythm section. Naturally the default setting is a very loud salsa beat.

  8. =============================

    The 400 unpublished works of Bedrich Antonin Widermann would certainly be a considerable start; to which one could add the remarkable works of Klement Slavicky.




    Do you think these are likely to be published?

  9. Brand new code which was required at our vicar's induction service last night:

    10-66 “You’ll have to keep playing – we’ve lost the Lord Mayor”


    10-67 - Does the string quartet hired for the wedding know that the organ isn't at concert pitch? (No)



  10. I have been guilty of this several times.


    Me, too. I played for my grandmother's funeral but was unable to play before the service due to the vagaries of public transport and roadworks in Norfolk (4 hours to get from Diss to nr King's Lynn). My wife and I rushed in to the church just after the coffin had arrived. I discovered that the pre-service music was being provided by my two sisters, neither of whom had ever played the organ before. One was playing the manuals and the other was operating the pedals by hand.) There was only one hymn, 'The King of Love my Shepherd is'. Unfortunately the last verse was printed over the page. As I was bringing the hymn to a close at the end of the penultimate verse I realised that there was another. The resulting period of silence, however, was long enough for the congregation (led by my mother) to realise that I had forgotten the last verse and to sit down. My mother said that just as they rear ends hit the pews I started to play the last verse. It was a long time before I lived that down. My only consolation was that my grandmother would probably have laughed long and loud.

  11. Thanks both. I suspect that I may do most of my playing to an empty church. The organ is half way up the chancel wall and the top of the screen blocks my view of the church to such an extent that I can only see half a dozen rows of seats on one side of the aisle. It does mean that I don't get overwhelmed by the volume of the congregation chatting/shouting to each other as soon as they hear the first notes of the voluntary.

  12. With apologies if this has been covered in a previous thread, I was wondering what the panel's views are on performing preludes without fugues or fugues without preludes.

    I used to have a teacher who was rather sniffy about this but when I was finally prised away from Novello and towards Barenreiter I was surprised to find that Bach did not designate any of his P&Fs 'Great'. Not only that but a few years later I discovered that, although JSB paired some of these works. many have been coupled since.

  13. I think the point is that brides, grooms, and non musicians tend to have only a very hazy idea of what they are talking about. If they know the composer it generally is "Veedor" and not "Wighdor"

    No, that was the great C minor prelude and fugue by Bach.


    and again at the Queen Mother's funeral, I think.

  14. Did I screw up? Well, I suppose you could call it that.


    Playing for funeral today I accidentally knocked hymn book off bench onto pedalboard. Carried on playing hymn (well you just can't stop, can you?!) but pedal notes in middle all to cock!


    It's not easy pedalling a hymn-book!




    I can do that without resorting to dropping a hymn book.



  15. I must say, that’s very good of you, I’ve been to Gibraltar many times and never made it to any of the cathedrals although I did run up the rock once. At risk of sounding picky, Gibraltar isn’t an island, it borders with Spain, the border being set by the range of the defending guns of the time. Whilst a visit to the top of the rock is well worth it (to see the apes) so is a visit to St Michaels’ caves.




    I have now made contact with the Anglican Cathedral having sent an e-mail to the Dean and have had a positive response. I did a recital on a new Bowers instrument a couple of years ago and it was beautiful - only 12 stops but every one a winner.

  16. I am going to Gibraltar next week and am hoping for some information on local organs. I have already got a slot at the RC Cathedral - St Mary the Crown-ed (which, incidentally, appears as 'St Mary the Crowded' on the Gibraltar Tourist Information Office)

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