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Posts posted by contrabordun

  1. grabbed with each hand a couple of stops near the top of the stop jambs on divisions he was not using, in order to anchor himself in the right place to facilitate the pedalling.

    I was once told that one should play pedal solos sitting relaxed with arms folded! (I was tempted to ask whether I should also be balancing a book on my head).

  2. Funnily enough, yes - I'm in the process of setting this up for my own company.


    The least hassle is undoubtedly Paypal, which is free to set up but relatively expensive (3.5%) in operation. Its other drawback (which was important for us but might not be relevant, depending on your point of view) is the associations it has with people selling secondhand videos on eBay.


    There are dozens of independent companies who will take online payments on your behalf; we've gone with Nochex (www.nochex.com) who charged us £50 to set up the account and then 2.9% + 20p per transaction. All you do is put a "click here to donate" link onto your website, the link takes the donor to the payment site and they put in the amount and card details.


    It might be worth setting it up on Paypal to start with and then seeing whether the amount coming in justifies something more elaborate.

  3. Though presumably this is a matter that can and should be spelt out in detail in the contract? In my own field (IT) a system is frequently brought into use in phases both in terms of areas of functionality and userbase ("a stop at a time?!") and acceptance-with-a-capital-A can be a complex and drawn out process to the point that the final signoff becomes a formality reflecting a reality that may have been in place for some months. This can only be managed if everybody knows upfront what is intended at each point.

  4. This is even more entertainingly true in the RC church, where the there are signs that a number of young appointees at Cathedral level - and younger clergy, plus the inevitable return of the pendulum - have begun to make some Kendrickites - at least the ones with a sense of humour - feel a bit fogeyish.




    Unfortunately, as is the way of pendulums, the swing is likely to go too far, out will go the baby with the bathwater AGAIN (the author of the above is a fine musician who does excellent work in challenging circumstances) and yet more parishes will be left without music.

  5. I don't know what's worse - the fact that you can look up forty year old copies of The Organ at the drop of a hat, or that I was apparently reading it 3 years before I was born... :huh:


    As a matter of interest, is it your impression that the technique was successful - does the instrument work better with the hall full?

  6. That's rather the point though, isn't it? Presumably the theatre stuff had a cost to it, which was - presumably - met from donated funds? Even if there is a plan to get people into the church by showing them silent movies with theatre organ accompaniment, I'm not sure how cost effective a way of saving souls that would be... But if it was simply that the titulaire happened to be a theatre organ buff, well, is that a good use of church funds?


    Accepting the massive ignorance from which I write these vague generalisations - I'm hugely intruigued by the whole thing and am still curious to know why it was done.

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