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Just been looking on Youtube and I happened to come across some interesting videos (well only really sound with pics)

of Louis Vierne playing some of his own music and some Bach which may be of interest to members of this forum.

Vierne at Notre Dame.

It was recorded in 1929 so the quality is not so good, but is reasonable for that period of time.


Hope you enjoy.



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  • 3 weeks later...
Just been looking on Youtube and I happened to come across some interesting videos (well only really sound with pics)

of Louis Vierne playing some of his own music and some Bach which may be of interest to members of this forum.

Vierne at Notre Dame.

It was recorded in 1929 so the quality is not so good, but is reasonable for that period of time.


Hope you enjoy.




Josh - thank you for this. I had missed it when you originally posted it.


For the record, I am fairly certain that it has been taken from a recording which is now available as part of a three-CD box set entitled Orgues et organistes français du XXè siècle. The date of this particular recording is actually 17-xi-1928; however, I think that it is too much of a co-incidence for them not to be the same.


It is now 23h23 and even though I am a little tired, in the interest of accuracy, I have just inserted the CD into one of the DVD/CD drives on my computer. Spookily, the track which began to play was the very same piece (disc 1, track 9).... (*Hums theme of The Twilight Zone to himself....*)


If you are interested (there is a wealth of material in this collection), it is available on the EMI label: 7243 574866 2 0.

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