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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Daniel Gawthrop - Organ Symphony


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Now, before I dive into this, let me state a few caveats for those of you out there with a critical spirit:


1. I have received permission from the composer to post these files for download, so no mechanical or copyright violations are taking place

2. I'm not making any money nor gaining from this monetarily.. I merely want to expose this music to a wider audience.


Last time I tried to share some knowledge about the availablilty of some music, I received a number of nasty private notes about it (granted, it was my own music, and some saw that as self-serving... one does what one must in the name of promotion)


Having lurked for awhile after that experience, I now feel like trying again, but am taking pains to make sure people do not get the wrong idea nor jump to conclusions!


Dan Gawthrop wrote this Symphony "O Jerusalem" as a comission for Graceland University in Iowa and was premiered there in September - I believe it was a celebration of the 10-year anniversary of the installation of their Casavant organ


Mvt 1 - Allegro


Mvt 2 - Largo


Mvt 3 - Giocoso


Mvt 4 - Finale



This is quite a tuneful and romantic-sounding work - no squeaks, honks or blatts here.


Hope you all enjoy the recording - if you like the music and are interested in it, I can put you in touch with the composer - just email me or PM me, and I'll get you the details


Best regards,



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