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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Churches in Venice

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Dear All


I am going to Venice on honeymoon next week with my new wife who is also a church organist.


Do any of you have contacts of organists or directors of music whereby we could get to play a few organs whilst visiting?


All best,





07813 079797

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Firstly, many congratulations and welcome to the board!


Sadly, Venice like Rome is a poor place for organs; most churches (and we visited most a couple of years ago) don't have an organ, some have rather decrepit-looking unrestored historic organs, a few have very nasty small early/mid C20th organs.


The only 'proper' organs I came across were the new Ahrend organ in San Salvador, this is a Renaissance style instrument in an historic C16th case. The other the 1766 Callido organ in San Marco, restored by Zanin in 1995.


Good luck and enjoy your visit.



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