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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Snape Maltings Organ / Peter Hindmarsh


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A couple of years ago, I was chatting to Peter Hindmarsh over tea in the middle of a tuning job, and to cut a long story short I ended up buying his chamber organ from Snape Maltings and repatriating it to Wales.

Peter has given the organ a thorough 45-year overhaul, and at my request added a proper transposing mechanism to replace the rather ad-hoc arrangements that had been added locally at some point. This allowed the rather damaged key-cheeks to be replaced.

In the period that the organ was completed (1973-4), Britten and Pears were advised by Ralph Downes who suggested the eventual specification of the instrument, and it is beautifully built. It's very much of it's time, with metal pipework by Stinkens and open foot voicing. The best stop is the wooden gedackt 8, which Peter made. It's a real pleasure to play. Peter is clearly pleased to be reunited with it.

Although there should be a proper inauguration this summer, Peter requested use of the organ to celebrate his 70th birthday, which he has now er... organised. This will happen at 3.30pm on Sunday 17th March at St Teilo's church, Cathays, Cardiff. John Cheer will be playing Handel concertos, and other pieces, with the fantastic early music ensemble Ystradivarius (geddit?). https://ystradivarius.com/

Do let me know if you are able to pop along to join the celebrations, or get in touch with Peter. All are welcome. Free!


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