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Mander Organ Builders Forum


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Everything posted by gazman

  1. gazman

    Is It Me?

    The index page which lists "General Discussion", "The Organ and Its Music" &c. Other times I click onto the link which comes in email. And it seldom remembers me. It's happened again, just.
  2. Genius! A very good idea indeed, methinks.
  3. gazman

    Is It Me?

    It has me totally baffled, John!
  4. gazman


    And on Sacred Music the other evening.....
  5. gazman

    Is It Me?

    Yes, I think I shall have to. I had to log in again this afternoon.
  6. Thanks for that tip. I wasn't aware of that. I'm hoping to be able to find a firm who don't want to charge over £200 just to come and take a look (and that's before they do any work), and say that they can't make it until mid-Summer. Or, rather, that they can make it before then but would charge a lot more than that to make a special visit requiring a round-journey of about 200 miles.
  7. gazman

    Is It Me?

    Thanks for your help John. Perhaps I should try accessing the fora from Firefox rather than IE7!
  8. gazman

    Is It Me?

    No, but a few minutes ago I thought I'd killed it. I decided to remove the RAM chips and put some higher capacity ones in. On its side on the table, shorn of some of its casing, I switched it on. The poor thing just lay there making pathetic bleeping noises at me.... I thought I'd wrecked it. Turns out I hadn't. I just hadn't pushed the new chips in hard enough. Thanks, Vox. I recall you suggested this to somebody else who was having a problem a while back, and I tried the same. It doesn't work for me, alas. I don't know why it's only on this discussion board that my computer isn't recognized. Perhaps somebody's trying to tell me something.....
  9. gazman

    Is It Me?

    Thanks. I did this about half an hour earlier when I was having problems installing a new wireless router. It is puzzling because on another Invision Power Board forum I'm nearly always recognized and seldom ever need to log in.
  10. gazman

    Is It Me?

    Thank you. However, having logged in after deleting all cookies, I've had to log in again to post this! Other discussion boards always seem to recognize me, but this one rarely does!
  11. gazman

    Is It Me?

    Thanks, Paul. I've just done that, and it's said "Welcome guest" and I've had to log in again. But I'll see what happens.
  12. gazman

    Is It Me?

    You're not the only one. And I find that, despite whatever I try, I always have to sign in manually to visit the board. It never recognizes my computer.
  13. Thanks. The humidifier is rather a DIY job. It is a combination of the old one whose motor had burnt out and another reconditioned model. It's very Heath Robinson-ish. I'd like to think you're right about the plug, but I'm not taking any chances. Apart from the sensor wire which goes into the wind trunking, this is the only other wire which appears to go into the humidifier. I've wrapped it in polythene, and put a note out saying not to touch. Yes, name and shame them, and warn others of their behaviour.
  14. gazman


    Mind you, the description of your pipe instrument which you've got at home Barry made me somewhat envious! I guess I certainly wasn't the only one. I could do with one of those in addition to my electronic instrument.....
  15. Good point. It gave me rather a shock (no pun intended) when I realized that my fingers were millimetres away from "live" metal. I put it down very carefully indeed! Thank you. I'm waiting for the Vicar to give his go ahead to ask them in to service it. This afternoon I shall visit the church to put something around the live pins. If I don't post on the board again, you'll know that I've fried myself!
  16. Thank you. I did wonder about adjusting the humidistat in the organ loft to see if that would switch it off, but, as I'm recuperating from a nasty bit of surgery, would do myself a mischief moving the heavy furniture it would require to get at it. Your idea of a hydrometer sounds good. I've learnt this evening that the machine has been running constantly for at least two days, although the church heating hasn't been on and the atmosphere has been, well, moist to say the least! I had doubts about the person who was recommended by the then organ tuners to fit the humidifier, and have since heard negative comments about him, since confirmed by the wiring. It has not been serviced in 11 years. I recommended to the Vicar earlier today that it be serviced.
  17. gazman


    Yes, but electronic organs have improved considerably over the last 22 years. And an advantage they have in the home over a pipe organ is the fact that they can be used with headphones. I could just imagine Mrs. Gedeckt's reaction if I wanted to practise when she wanted to watch TV, read, or go to sleep! And I wouldn't always want to have to restrict myself to a Stopped Diapason....
  18. gazman

    Bbc Proms 2008

    Superb organ, but maybe not the first choice for the all-Bach programme!
  19. Thanks, both, for your replies. Yes, I appreciate that the organ needs humidification (and I put several buckets of water in the loft a couple of years back when the humidifier didn't seem to be doing enough work - and they're still there, regularly topped up) but it seems that the humidifier is potentially running excessively, and I'm concerned about the fire risk.
  20. And didn't he say the smallest was ten millimetres? Centimetres, surely! Nevertheless, a splendid programme.
  21. I think that manual extension is the lesser of two "evils". Certainly, one can choose artistically, and there are less missing notes in this respect than just using an octave coupler. However, both can have their uses. But, if it's possible (and in Cynic's case it seems it is) for the manuals to be "straight", then that's all the better.
  22. Where can one purchase such light bulbs, please, Barry? The only devices I've come across are much more expensive, and I had believed that such light bulbs aren't able to be run on a normal domestic light socket.
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