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Mander Organ Builders Forum


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Posts posted by undamaris

  1. Looks like Fratelli Ruffati are getting a toe hold in the UK now - I see Pershore Abbey are commissioning them to build a new three manual organ to the tune of £850,000. A meeting on the 27th will be held to decide on how it will be funded, as well as details of the specification etc

  2. There's nothing on the AHORP website which I find surprising. I'd have thought something of this importance would have been made public through that, never mind word of mouth. Lancaster may be a city but word gets around pretty quickly! Maybe I've just not been paying attention lately!

  3. I remember many years ago my school's founder's day service in a large town centre parish church with a very fine Father Willis organ. The final hymn ended on a very thrilling note, full organ including a thundering pedal ophicleide. The organist who played the final hymn before the headmaster gave his final address left the bench didn't cancel his registration unbeknown to the organist who was playing the concluding voluntary. The final organist needed to adjust the organ bench as it was too far from the console, which he did by standing on the pedal board & pulling the bench closer. The fact that the resulting thunder clap over rode the headmaster's final address resulted in VERY stern looks from the said headmaster in the mirror on the console

  4. Just out of curiosity, are any other members trying to access the Nicholson's website having the same problems as I have? I tried to look at their site only to find I'm being sent to a USA immigration service page saying how I can apply for a green card - most strange

  5. I remember MANY years ago having a record that was an experiment along these lines. It was the organ of All Souls Langham Place. Microphones were placed inside the organ in each division. It was recorded, then the recording was played back in auch more reverberant acoustic and recorded again. I can't remember the title of the record, but it showed off the resources of the All Souls organ and to be honest didn't really succeed as an experiment. I'd love to find it again as it was very interesting as concept!

  6. Do any members know what the state of play is here? Their website hasn't been updated in yonks and still states they hope to commission an organ from Kenneth Tickell - which strikes me as very odd, seeing as I emailed him regarding his plans for the new organ a couple of years before his untimely passing to which he replied that he knew nothing of the proposal for him to build a new organ for the church!

  7. So many organs like this with a token smattering of mutations from that era. Seems to be just an attempt at that time to "baroque-acise" organs with no real understanding of chorus building and tone synthesis. The orgelbewegung movement was rather slow I think reaching these shores for some builders so their answer seemed to be to just add what they thought was suitable to the old Victorian & Edwardian 'war horses' in an attempt to enable them to perform music from all ages.

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