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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Worcester Cathedral

David Coram

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Guest Cynic
I noted with a mixture of alarm and dismay this evening that one of the forums listed on the home page was not about Worcester Cathedral. Therefore, I have started this one.



While I appreciate the sense of humour, David, I can't help thinking that we should all find something else to talk about.


There have been many rebuilds, many new organs over the couple of years I have been visiting this site but this is the only one where the poor organist has been subjected to anything like this barrage of criticism. I accept that many postings are not critical, merely asking for more information, but the constant questions would get on anyone's nerves. How many times a day will Adrian Lucas have to visit his computer purely to satisfy the huge numbers of us raising 'finer' points and pointed questions as the project advances? I dread to think.


If only we could all give it a rest, albeit enjoying such information as Adrian is able to give us on the progress of construction. This is what I'll try to do. Better still, there might be a site we could visit when we needed a Worcester fix and the topic can get a total rest here!


Sadly, even if these ended up the best organs that Kenneth Tickell and Nicholsons ever made, not everyone will be satisfied. You cannot please everyone - one of the sad truths of life. Therefore, if this obsession is allowed to run on as at present I fear we will never hear the last of it. In a way, the internet has offered a glimmer of 'power to the people' (cf. Guido Fawkes) but let's not abuse it and try to take over the design and execution of this scheme 'by committee'!

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Guest Barry Oakley
Well said Paul, I quite agree with all you say.


Yes, and I'll add my name to the views of Paul and Colin. Thankfully we witnessed Rachel welding up access to the monotony of Ally Pally last week. And I think there's a danger of some topics apeing the formula of "Top Gear" - only does 0-60 in 3.2 seconds, seats too hard, etc. In the final analysis it's how the organs perform their task and we will only really know this when Ken Tickell and Nicholsons have completed their respective work.

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Thanks, folks...


Matter closed?




Well - just one final question:


How did you manage to take the photographs at the top of the transept case - particularly the close shots of the tops of the metal case-pipes? There is apparently no scaffolding in the transept and it looks as if the triforium gallery would be too far away to afford such clear views.

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  • 5 months later...
Guest Lee Blick

When I saw TWO Worcester Cathedral threads ressurected by Roffensis, I thought, not this old chestnut again...



...anyway I was interested to hear what he has said :huh:

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Guest Roffensis
When I saw TWO Worcester Cathedral threads ressurected by Roffensis, I thought, not this old chestnut again...

...anyway I was interested to hear what he has said :P



Perhaps I should just shut up. I have not been on this site in quite some time, and am highly impressed to see it is as thoroughly delightful as ever. I really cannot be bothered!! :huh:



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  • 2 weeks later...
What is the latest ? Could Adrian be persuaded to favour us with some recent snaps ?


I've been away on various trips across Europe for the last few weeks and, to be honest, much of the work over recent months has been in the workshops.....HOWEVER.....I paid a visit to Northampton on 14th August and took a batch of photos of work in progress which I intend to submit with supporting information shortly.


Watch this space!


Best wishes,



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