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Mander Organ Builders Forum

St Hildaburkets Church, Mawfnllydd.

Guest Roffensis

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Guest Roffensis

I recently had cause to play a funeral at the above church for one Miss Tettinna Schlop, of german descent, who was a regular worshipper and did the flowers on a saturday after the news on TV. I was most dismayed to be confronted by an original 1844 Willis of 20 speaking stops, including 13 reeds, such is its marvelollous versatility. I say dismayed because apparently the choir of 20 boys and 8 men has been sacked, as Ms. Schlop left a dowry to the church stipulating that sacred dance should be the prime worship method rather usung the fine pipe organ, with the choir. I was asked to play one hymn (draw me close to the fountain) and a single voluntary at exit (Henry Widors Priere a notre dame) but otherwise I had to suffer this woman jigging about to Abba on the central space. Apparetnlyt the new vicar, Rev. Cumbersome, has decided that the church must move into the 21st century, and as well as the abovementioned carrying ons, wants to instigate sung sermons. I just wondered if anyone has had a similar experience?

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May we have the disposition of this 1844 Willis organ with 13 reeds among 20 stops?


Churches promoted into dancings, we had that in Belgium in the 70's. By now it's a thing of the past (the longer it will be, the better). I know of a "Prière à Notre Dame", but it's not Widor's.


Best wishes,

Pierre Lauwers.

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Guest Roffensis

By chance I did jot down the spec during "Take A Chance On me" by Abba.



Large Opening 8ft

Small Opening 8 ft

Ham String 8ft

Liverpool Echo 8ft

Spitted Fleurt 4ft

Pierced III times

Princed Zip 4ft

Screametina 1ft

Quartet 2/2 (divided)

Horned Lean 16ft

Leiblich Cornopean 8ft

Swatch 8ft

Odeblow 8ft

Gravitassima 8ft

Blown Okoboy 8ft

Blown Offacleide 8ft

Orkneyedrank 4ft



Very large Opening 32ft

Medium Helmetzler 16ft

Cereal Bass 4ft


The organ was incidently somewhat revoiced by Messrs. Dashed and Smith in 1900. At this time the instrument stoplist was made more legible as appears above. I gather however the original tonal finishing was kept.

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Guest Geoff McMahon

Sorry to be a party pooper, but I think this discussion board is a little more serious than this last posting. At least it is my hope that it is. Without wanting to censure Roffensis in any way, can I suggest we keep it serious please?


John Pike Mander

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Guest Roffensis
Sorry to be a party pooper, but I think this discussion board is a little more serious than this last posting. At least it is my hope that it is. Without wanting to censure Roffensis in any way, can I suggest we keep it serious please?


John Pike Mander


Yes of course! I do understand. Just my sick humour....apologies!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Yes of course! I do understand. Just my sick humour....apologies!


Actually, I think I have played this, too, but my stoplist also has a Corned Beef 4, with aluminium shallots and cardboard resonators, horizontal on 15 inches of wind. It's extended down to the pedal, too, at 10 2/3 pitch with the bottom octave and a half provided by a Casio Kt1372 keyboard powered by 6 AA sized batteries.

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Guest Roffensis
Actually, I think I have played this, too, but my stoplist also has a Corned Beef 4, with aluminium shallots and cardboard resonators, horizontal on 15 inches of wind.  It's extended down to the pedal, too, at 10 2/3 pitch with the bottom octave and a half provided by a Casio Kt1372 keyboard powered by 6 AA sized batteries.

Oh dear! Mr. Mander!!! More apologies, someone else has an equally sick sense of humour. But on a serious note, how about a nice organ on the north side of the west gallery, of two manuals, fully extended in all directions, in a swell box, with the Diapasons smack bang behind the console bench, with the 2 foot almost touching you. There is a oval kleenex box lid against the pipes stating "do not touch the pipes", all very pro! In order to keep a period feel, the east facade has a music stand with empty stop knob holes and dummy pipes above nailed onto the end of the swell box. This all looks most delightful, and sounds it.........and yes!, it does exist in a Liverpool church.

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But on a serious note, how about a nice organ on the north side of the west gallery, of two manuals, fully extended in all directions, in a swell box, with the Diapasons smack bang behind the console bench, with the 2 foot almost touching you. There is a oval kleenex box lid against the pipes stating "do not touch the pipes", all very pro! In order to keep a period feel, the east facade has a music stand with empty stop knob holes and dummy pipes above nailed onto the end of the swell box. This all looks most delightful, and sounds it.........and yes!, it does exist in a Liverpool church.


Such things are halas to be find in many a belgian church.

There was not many money for organs between 1945 and 1960, but

many expectations local, provincial builders tried to fulfill with the

little means there was!


Best wishes,

Pierre Lauwers.

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