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Organ Symphony Searches


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Hello friends,


As my research continues on the Organ Symphony book, I am trying to get information on a number of pieces that I have not been able to track down. Below are a few of the ones I'm working on right now (all from the British Isle except the first one):


Allouard-Carny, Odette (b. 1914) FR – Symphonie de la lumière, 1966. As far as I can tell, this piece has not been published. Henderson states that it is a 16-minute work, I've found no further information from other sources. Allouard-Carny studied with Victor-Dynam Fumet and has been organist at Sainte-Anne-de-la-Maison-Blanche in Paris. I'd need some help from a French-speaking member for this one - Pierre perhaps? Ideally someone who could have a look at the score (or even get a copy - it's probably in a French Library somewhere)


Brindle, R.S. – (1917-2003) – ENG – Organ Symphony, 1979. Brindle was a composer and professor of music at Surrey University. He studied with Luigi Dallapiccola, Ildebrando Pizzetti and Bruno Bartolozzi. The Symphony was published by Oecemuse, I've not heard if it has been taken up by any other firm since the demise of that company, and I know of no recording of the work. Anyone have an idea where to find this?


Demuth, Norman – (1898-1968) ENG Symphony, 1957.


Fish, Adrian – (b.1956) ENG Symphony “Pange Lingua”. This work was published by the now-defunct Oecemuse, and I've not found a new source for it. Fish was an organist in London, and now works in broadcasting. There is no available commercial recording.


Holloway, Frederick – (1873-1954) Symphony in E-minor (I have 2 movements of this as well as the entire 2nd Symphony... looking for the missing movements from Sym. 1)




Anyone who can provide further information other than what is here (or help obtain scores, recordings, etc.)? I'd really appreciate any help I can get.




- G

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Adrian Vernon Fish is around and about - here is his website. Some of Oecumuse's music is sold now by Geoffrey Atkinson here. Perhaps he may be able to help. These people are also worth a try.



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Thanks, Alastair!


I've sent a quick note off to Geoffrey and also to Adrian.




Anyone else have further leads/information?





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