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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Ximenez: Batalla de Sexto Tono


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A grand piece- but where are you going to find the piercing cornetas, massed trompetería and variety of regal stops in your neck of the woods ?


Plus, of course, the clanking action, to give verisimilitude to the performance ?


As far as I’m aware, there is still not an instrument in the UK that can do real justice to this repertoire- although there were plans for one in London some time ago. I hope I’m wrong.


(Stand by for rebuttal of contentious opinion!)

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You'd be amazed what sounds you can get from a delicately out of tune Victorian job in a slightly cold and damp church. And as for clanking actions - 'plenty to choose from!



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Perhaps not.


I was most fortunate to be able to practise on one (http://www.npor.org.uk/cgi-bin/Rsearch.cgi?Fn=Rsearch&rec_index=A00698), in my youth.


It benefitted from an appropriately extravagant acoustic, too, in a gorgeous building.


I am glad to see it has been maintained, as I heard there was a distinct possibility of its ‘demise’.

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