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Worcester Cathedral Tickell


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I found the paper programme from Thomas Trotter's opening recital at Worcester on the installation of the new Tickell Quire organ the other day. I realised it is nearly a decade since the old organ was thrown out and the Tickell installed.

I listened to Adrian Lucas' excellent CD of Reubke and Vierne to remind myself of the sound of the new organ. I recall feeling that the instrument had many stunning individual tones but a slightly unexciting chorus when I heard it live, a view which was reinforced by listening to the CD. It seems a bit "generic" to me against instruments such as Coventry, Peterborough and even the old hybrid job.

I was wondering if anyone has heard or played it recently and if so, what is the general consensus?

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I've heard the instrument on numerous occasions and your summary is a pretty fair assessment. There are many beautiful colours to the instrument as you say but the chorus seems to lack warmth and the tone gets harsher as the volume increases. Interestingly when I heard Dr Francis Jackson play what must have been one of his last recitals on the instrument, he seemed to get the best out of the instrument registration wise and his phrasing was still excellent.

The new instrument caused much debate on this forum and judging by the lack of discussion since may have not quite captured the imagination as one would have hoped. I guess it's all down to personal taste. I was surprised to hear that some revoicing work had taken place at Keble College which I thought sounded really good right from the off although the acoustic in the building there is exceptional which no doubt helps. 

It will be interesting to see how the well new Tickell in Manchester Cathedral is thought of in years to come.

On the subject of Worcester Cathedral, I wander if there is any progress in delivering a working Nave/ Transept instrument any time soon?

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