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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Georges Jacob


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Now that the Christmas madness is past, and I have some

free time, I'm revisiting some projects I set aside...




As part of my research for the Organ Symphonie book, I tracked down the score

of Georges Jacob's lone Symphonie. Jacob was a pupil of Guilmant, and played at 2

Paris churches - first at St. Louis d'Antin, then St. Ferdinand-des-Ternes. In addition

to this piece, his other major works were 2 sets of 12 pieces one of which was based

on paintings by Lena.


So, for my last mp3 post of the year, I give you mvt 1 - Prélude Funèbre, Fugue, Variation:



(8.58mb HQ mp3)


(1.42mb LQ mp3 for dial-up)


It has been another wonderful year sharing music and our love of the organ -

Let's hope it continues for many more.






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Lovely piece, Jonathan, and lovely playing too if I may say so. I really enjoy your snippets. Thanks for sharing them.


Glad you enjoy the music!


It is my hope that by doing this, I can encourage organists to explore unfamiliar repertoire...





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