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Manfred Perger


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Does anyone know anything about Manfred Perger? The usual internet search reveals some music (a colleague has Three Chorale Fantasias), but nothing about the man himself. And I'm not a German speaker, so I've been unable to glean information from any foreign sites.

Thank you

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Manfred Perger seems to be Austrian and born in 1957. A newspaper ad for a concert tells that he has the title "Professor" and is/was a teacher for Improvisation at the Music University of Vienna and organist of churches in Wiener Neustadt, some miles south of Vienna. As always in Austria, titles and degrees are important. So I could not find any record of him neither at the University's nor Vienna Conservatory's Website. "Professor" is a title awarded quite automatically to any high school teacher. When it says he is organist titulaire of St. George's Cathedral of Wiener Neustadt, this refers to the chapel of Wiener Neustadt Castle, which is used as the Austrian Military Academy since 1751, and since 1987 the Chapel serves as a Cathedral to the Military Diocese of Austria. (Don't know about U.K., but catholic and lutheran ministry for armed forces has its own structures both in Germany and Austria). This cathedral organ has 23 stops....

So I would sum up the biography to someone who teaches at an Austrian "Gymnasium" (High School), has studied Church music and maybe substituted some time as a part time teacher at the Music University.... since he is approximately my age and I have never heard of him during my times there...


So, all in all, it is the usual Austrian self-overestimation (as native Austrian I have authority to say so... :) ), so I hope at least the music is nice!

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Does anyone know anything about Manfred Perger? The usual internet search reveals some music (a colleague has Three Chorale Fantasias), but nothing about the man himself. And I'm not a German speaker, so I've been unable to glean information from any foreign sites.

Manfred Perger was born 1957. He is or was (I can't google it exactly) professor for improvisation at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.





PS: Oh, Karl-Bernhardin was faster :)

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