Guest yfd Posted February 1, 2006 Share Posted February 1, 2006 Rumors abounded when the great organ at St John th Divine in new York suffered the ravages of fire, hat, smoek, humidity and soot. It was unclear if this magnificent art could be effectively salvaged. So being intimately aware of the cathedral it tonal acoustical properties after 15 years of come and go and playing the great organ numerous times i preped a contingent plan should the unthinkable come to pass. It is enclosed below. Warning: for those who are allergic to organs above 20 voices this is adult reading. Turn back NOW. The organ is custom fit for the great edifice of gothic stone and flying butresses. See what was conceived in short order as a working document. I am proposing an all new pipe organ as per the following tonal scheme to be awarded to the conservative age-old firm of Austin organs inc Hartford conn Chancel great Violone32 Diapason16 Bourdon16 Grossquint10-2/3 First diapason8 Seconddiapason8 Thirddiapason8 Fourth diapason8 Principal8 Grossflute8 Doppelflute8 Bourdon8 Harmonicflute8 Erzahler8 Erzhalerceleste8 Gamba8 Gambaceleste8 Quint5-1/3 First principal4 Secondprincipal4 Thirdprincipal4 Octave4 Hohlflute4 Koppelflute4 Fluted'amour4 Viola4 Gemshorn4 Gambette4 Tenth3-1/5 Twelfth2-2/3 Firstfifteenth2 Secondfifteenth2 Principal2 Blockflute2 Flageoletharmonique2 Seventeenth1-3/5 Nineteenth1-1/3 Twentyfirst1-1/7 Twentysecond1 Grandfourniture-v-viii-2 Kleinemixtur-iv-2 Fourniture-iv-1-1/3 Pleinjeu-iii-vi-1 Scharf-iv-2/3 Cymbel-iii-½ Terzzymbel-iii-1/3 Contrafagot32 Bombarde16 Trompettegrande8 Clairongrande4 Harmonics-v-1-3/5 ============================================================ swell Contragamba32 Diapason16 Bourdon16 Gamba16x Gambaceleste16 Firstdiapason8 Seconddiapason8 Thirddiapason8 Principal8 Grossflute8 Stoppeddiapason8 Chimneyflute8 Concertflute8 Fluteceleste8 Viola8 Violaceleste8 Gamba8x Gambaceleste8x Salicional8 Salicionalceleste8 Aeoline8 Aeolineceleste8 Flautodolce8 Flautoceleste8 Dulciana8 Dulcianaceleste8 Kleineerzahler8-ii Quintebourdon5-1/3 Firstprincipal4 Secondprincipal4 Octave4 Waldflute4 Rohrflute4 Harmonicflute4 Violina4 Voxceleste4 Undamaris4-ii Twelfth2-2/3 Firstfifteenth2 Secondfifteenth2 Octavin2 Flautino2 Spillflute2 Seventeenth1-3/5 Nineteenth1-1/3 Twenty-first1-1/7 Twentysecond1 Twentythird8/9 Twentyfourth4/5 Sesqui altera-ii-2-2/3 Chorus mixture-v-2-2/3 Pleinejeu-viii-2-2/3 Fourniture-v-2 Mixturedouce-iv-2 Scharf-iv-2/3 Cymbale-iv-½ Contrabombardon32 Doubletrumpet16 Contraoboe16 Trumpet8 Trompette8 Bombarde8 Cornopean8 Oboe8 Bassonhautbois8 Vox8 Quintetrompette5-1/3 Octavetrumpet4 Clairon4 Bombardeclairon4 Vox4 ============================================================ Choir Quintaton16 Dulciana16 Opendiapason8 Violindiapason8 Diapasonceleste8 Melodia8 Fluteceleste8 Violad'amore8 Violaceleste8 Choredesd'orchestre8 Chordesceleste8# Chordesceleste8## Erzahler celeste8-ii Silverfluteceleste8-ii Prestant4 Nachthorn4 Lochgedeckt4 Dolceceleste4-ii Nazard2-2/3 Doublette2 Flachflote2 Piccolo2 Tierce1-3/5 Larigot1-1/3 Septieme1-1/7 Fife1 Mixture-iii-1-1/3 Cymbel-iii-1/3 Jeudeclochette-ii-2/5 Englishhorn16 Trompette8 Oboehorn8 Cromorne8 Trichterregal8 Englishhorn8x Clarinet8 Vox8 Oboeschalmey4 Vox4 Harmonictrumpet8-hi pressure ============================================================= Positive Nasonflute16 Principal8 Voceumana8 Spitzgedeckt8 Quintadena8 Dolkan8 Dolkanceleste8 Principal4 Rohrpfeife4 Erzahler4 Nachthorn2-2/3 Principal2 Spitzflute2 Terzleine1-3/5 Quint-1-1/3 Sifflute1 Oktavterz4/5 Quintino2/3 Scharffmixtur-iv-vii-1-1/3 Zimbelmixtur-iii-v-1/3 Dulzian16 Zink8 Knopregal8 Krummhorn8 Musette8 Rohrschalmei4 Regal2 Tremolo ============================================================= Solo Violone16 Violoneceleste16 Majoropendiapason8 Flautomirabilis8 Mirabilisceleste8 Tibiaclausa8 Violoncello8 Celloceleste8 Majorgamba8 Majorceleste8 Orchestralviols8-iii Quintediapason5-1/3 Majoroctave4 Zauberflute4 Triangleflute4 Triangleceleste4 Viola Celeste-4-ii Tibia tierce3-1/5 Flutetwelfth2-2/3 Concertpiccolo2 Compensating mixture-vii-2-2/3 Subtrombone16 Tromba8 Trombaclarion4 Harmonictrumpet8 Harmoniccornopean8 Posthorn8 Brasstrumpet8 Cornodibassetto8 Frenchhorn8 Flugelhorn8 Orchestraloboe8 Bassoon8 Solovox8 Éclat-vii-4 Tuba8 Tremolo Chimes Harp ============================================================= Bombarde Principal32 Octave16 Quint10-2/3 Octave8 Tierce6-2/5 Octave4 Grandepleinjeu-ix-5-1/3 Grandcymbale-vii-2-2/3 Contrebombarde32 Bombarde16 Trompettedebombarde8 Quintebombarde5-1/3 Clairondebombarde4 Tiercebombarde3-1/5 Bombard mixture-v-4-flues ============================================================= Fanfare Festivaltrompette16 Festivaltrompette8 Festivalclairon4 Grandsesqui altera ix-16 Corona Tubamirabilis16 Tubamirabilis8 Quinthorn5-1.3 Tubaclarion4 Grand chorus-vii-8 Pedal Bourdon64 Diapason32 Principal32-bo Violone32-gt Bourdon32x Gamba32-sw Subquint21-1/3 Openwood16x Contrabass16 Principal16 Principal16-bo Octave16-bo Diapason16-gt Diapason16-sw Violone16-gt Violone16-so Violoneceleste16-so Majorbass16 Subbass16 Bourdon16-gt Softbourdon16-sw Nason16-pos Quintaten16-ch Gamba16-sw Gambaceleste16-sw Dulciana16-ch Subterz12-4/5 Quint10-2/3x Subseptime9-1/7 Openwood8x Contrabass8x Principal8x Octave8 Diapason8 Geigen8 Subbass8x Pommer8 Spitzflute8 Softbourdon8-sw Violones8- so Celli8-so Viols8-so Gambas8-sw Violas8-sw Flautodolce8 Subnone7-1/9 Terz6-2/5x Quint5-1/3x Septime4-4/7x Openwood4x Contrabass4x Principal4x Octave4x Choralbass4 Diapason4x Geigen4x Spitzprincipal4 Hohlflute4 Softbourdon4-sw None3-5/9x Choralbass2x Waldflute2 Gemshorn1 Harmonics 64 Cornet32 Pedalmixtur-vii-8 Pedalscharf-v-1-1/3 Pedalcymbel-iii-1/3 Contraposaune64 Majorposaune32x Contrabombardon32-sw Contrafgot32-gt Contrebombarde32-bo Grandposaune16x Bombarde16-bo Bombarde16-gt Trumpet16-sw Bombardon16-sw Trombone16-so fagot16-gt Horn16-ch Dulzian16-pos Quintebombarde10-2/3x-bo Majorposaune8 Bombarde8-bo Bombardon8-sw Bombarde8-gt Tromba8-so Trumpet8-sw Fagot8-gt Cromorne8-ch Majorclarion4 Bombarde4-bo Bombardon4-sw Schalmey4 Krummhorn4-pos Regal2-pos Fest trompette16-fanf Fest trompette8-fanf Tuba16-cor Tuba8-cor ============================================================= Grand chorus-crossing triforia Opendiapasonmagna8 Octavediapasonmagna4 Gross mixture-ix-5-1/3 Floatingreedchorus-crossing triforia opposite grand chorus Contrbombarde16 Bombarde8 Harmonictrumpet8 Posthorn8 Bombardeclairon4 Furniture-vii-4 Tierce mixture-v-ix-1-3/5 Nave great=midway down nave in triforia Principal major8 Octavemajor4 Mixture major-vii-2-2/3 Nave swell reeds=midway down nave opposite great in triforia Contrebombarde16 Bombarde8 Trompetteharmonique8 Trompettemilitaire8 Bombardeclairon4 Pleinjeu-ix-5-1/3 nave pedal Majorbass32 Majorbass16x Openbass16 Diapason8 Diapason4 Mixture-v-2-2/3 Bombarde32x Bombarde16-nave sw rds Bombarde8-sw rds Bombarde4-sw rds Gallery great Quintaton32 Diapason16 Diapason8 Principalflute8 Doppeloffenflote8 Quinte5-1/3 Octave4 Chorus mixture-vii-2-2/3 Subtuba16 Tuba8 Tubaclarion4 Gallery swell Diapason16 Diapason8 Grossgedeckt8 Violamajor8 Violaceleste8 Octave4 Tibia4 Mixture-vi-2-2/3 Contraposaune16 Tuba8 Trumpet8 Oboe major Voxmajor8 Clarion4 Gallery reed chorus Doubletrombone16 Harmonictromba8 Trombaclarion4 Harmonics-v-3-1/5 Gallery celestial Cantabilediapason8 Diapasonceleste8 Fernflute8 Fluteceleste8 Flauto celeste8-ii Violesaetheria8-ii Undamaris8-iii Willowflute4 Flautoangelico4-ii Vox16- Vox8 Vox4 Gallery string Violapomposa8 Violaceleste8# Violaceleste8## Violesd'orchestre8 Violes celeste8# Violesceleste8## Gemshorn8 Gemshornceleste8# Gemshornceleste8## Vox8 Gallerypedal Bourdon32 Quintaton32-gt Openwood16 Contrabass16 Diapason16-gt Diapason16-sw Bourdon16x Softbourdon16 Principal8 Contrabass8x Openwood8x Bourdon8x Softbourdon8-sw Principal4 Koppelflute4 Blockflute2 Hohlflute1 Mixture-ix-8 Trombone32 Trombone16x Tuba16-gt Posaune16-sw Bombarde16-reed Tromba8x Tuba8-gt Posaune8-sw Bombare8-rd Tromba4x Trompeteria Statetrumpet16 Statetrumpet8x Statetrumpet4x Tubamagna16 Tubamagna8x Tubamagna4x if the rumors r false/oh well/it was fun imagining/out of the imaginations of today come the realities of tommorow....witness wanamakers.atlantic city,us miltary academy at west point etc Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MusingMuso Posted February 1, 2006 Share Posted February 1, 2006 Rumors abounded when the great organ at St John th Divine in new York suffered the ravages of fire, hat, smoek, humidity and soot. I am proposing an all new pipe organ as per the following tonal scheme........... Violone32 Diapason16 Bourdon16 Grossquint10-2/3 First diapason8..................... ( nauseum) ========================== I've come up with a novel solution! Build the organ outdoors, with suitable weather protection, enclosing St.John-the-Divine Cathedral INSIDE it. MM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Peter Allison Posted February 4, 2006 Share Posted February 4, 2006 I remember buying a Michael Murray recording of this marvelous organ (Telarc) I do not know if it was the recording process or my speakers, but the ChamadeTrumpets nearly bust my poor Heybrook HB1 speakers.(these now reside in James Lancelots front room in Durham, still working ) I did not realise this organ is now silent Slightly going off a bit, as we all do, what do you think of M. Murrays recording of St.Sulpice ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MAS Posted February 5, 2006 Share Posted February 5, 2006 I remember buying a Michael Murray recording of this marvelous organ (Telarc) I do not know if it was the recording process or my speakers, but the ChamadeTrumpets nearly bust my poor Heybrook HB1 speakers.(these now reside in James Lancelots front room in Durham, still working ) I did not realise this organ is now silent Slightly going off a bit, as we all do, what do you think of M. Murrays recording of St.Sulpice ? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've always found Murray's recordings to be a bit on the dull side... this recording included. In my (humble) opinion, one of the best recordings of the St. John's instrument was Anthony Newman's "Organ Orgy". Which was a spectacular collection of crusty Wagner transcriptions played in dazzling style. Unfortunately this CBS (vinyl only) recording has long since been deleted. I wish it was reissued on CD. [Columbia M-3268] -MAS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
adlg Posted February 8, 2006 Share Posted February 8, 2006 I remember buying a Michael Murray recording of this marvelous organ (Telarc) I do not know if it was the recording process or my speakers, but the ChamadeTrumpets nearly bust my poor Heybrook HB1 speakers.(these now reside in James Lancelots front room in Durham, still working ) I did not realise this organ is now silent Slightly going off a bit, as we all do, what do you think of M. Murrays recording of St.Sulpice ? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If I remember correctly, this is the one that has the totally lackluster performance of the DuPre Cortege. It was also a sonic disappointment through a very good set up (Maggie IVs, prototype Sunfire subwoofers, Threshold amps, Krell CD player). The recording did not begin to give a true sense of this instrument. Restoration is now underway (Keats-Geisler, I think--odd choice to me). Unfortunately, the instrument had been subjected to malignant neglect even before the fire/water damage, etc. Last time I played (early 80s), it was a mess. All told, including the building's structural damage, 4-5M$ to complete. Hope they can come up with the money, this is one of the Skinner/Aeolian-Skinner blends that truly lives up to its reputation. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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