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Hammond Castle organ


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I was playing around on YouTube (as one does!) and came across a video of Hammond Castle Encores recorded in 1976 at Hammond Castle in Gloucester, Massachusetts. I looked on Die Orgelseite and on the Organ Historical Society websites for the specifications, but they don't match the stop tabs on the pictures of the console, nor is there any mention of anything being prepared for. Could anybody shed some light on this please?

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Don`t know if this is of much use but I still have a specification of this interesting instrument on the cover of Elsassers outstanding performance of  Widor V.

Mind you, mentioning the name  " Hammond " on this site could result in a few hospital admissions!!

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LOL I can imagine the ambulances lined up outside A&E departments across the country! I'm just curious about this organ as the pictures of the stop tabs on the OHS website show 64' stops, both flue and reed, a 32' Gemshorn and 32' Contra Violone on the pedal, chamades at 16' 8' and 4' as well as mutations a go go not covered in the specification supplied!

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Just exhumed the aforesaid from the vault and a quick perusal reveals no 64`.  Gemshorn X3 @8/16. 5 1/3.    There are two 32`s named as Tibia Profundis and Contra Fagotto.

 I can`t tell from the spec` as to whether the 16/8/4` are en chamade or not.

The Mutations may appear to be correct as per your " spec " but there are too many to list!    Since the instrument has no less than 173 stops I don`t think there would be much room for anything else to compete with what is already installed!

This is a truly mindblowing instrument created by a true genius of musical and mechanical inventiveness.   I am led to believe at the present time it is not in a playable state and will more than likely remain this way for some considerable time, mores the pity.

Somehow think that they have matched the wrong photo up in your vid. I do not have a pic of the console so I can`t compare it with the one on the site you mention.

Hope this trivia is of some use to you.  I apologize for missing out an  "l " in " Ellsasser" in my original post - don`t want  the Organ Police carrying out a dawn raid!!



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