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S. Brieuc Cathedral - France


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Can anyone point me in the direction of a stoplist of this organ please - 'Googling' and the usual sites have drawn a blank so far.

stop list Saint-Brieuc Cathédrale Saint-Étienne

Built in 1848 with III/41 by Cavaillé-Coll, rebuilt in 1872 with IV/42 by Cavaillé-Coll (the tower collapsed after struck by ligthning and damaged the organ).


I. Positif de Dos

Flûte harmonique 8'

Bourdon 8'

Salicional 8'

Voix céleste 8'

Prestant 4'

Doublette 2'

Plein Jeu V

Trompette 8'

Cromorne 8'

Clairon 4'


II. Accouplement

Voix humaine 8'


III. Grand Orgue

Montre 16'

Bourdon 16'

Montre 8'

Flûte harmonique 8'

Bourdon 8'

Viole 8'

Prestant 4'

Dulciana 4'

Quinte 2 2/3'

Doublette 2'

Cornet V

Fourniture IV

Cymbale III

Bombarde 16'

Trompette 8'

Basson 8'

Clairon 4'


IV. Récit (Swell)

Flûte harmonique 8'

Viole de Gambe 8'

Voix céleste 8'

Flûte octaviante '

Octavin 2'

Trompette 8'

Basson-Hautbois 8'

Voix humaine 8'



Flûte 16'

Flûte 8'

Flûte 4'

Bombarde 16'

Trompette 8'

Clairon 4'


My source does not list the couplers, sorry.




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Another one is. A knockout one, too -- splendid in all respects.






Thanks all - this in fact is the CD I just have downloaded - so no details etc. As Friedrich says - the sound is amazing - check out those locusts!!



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