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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Trevor Hold

Martin Cooke

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Has anyone ever come across organ music by Trevor Hold, by any chance? I was listening, the other evening, to a terrifically exciting pair of pieces for Alto Sax and Piano, and I see from the web that he wrote some organ music which might be equally exciting, but I know not who published it.

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There's a charming little arrangement of an Irish folksong called 'Suantraidhe'. I can't remember the publisher, but it might be Banks.

Suantraidhe was published by Basil Ramsey in 1977, John Henderson's Directory of Composers for Organ (2005) gives it as now by Banks.

He mentions two other pieces Prelude on "Heathlands" (1988 Oecumuse) and

Song-tune Prelude on "Sweet-and-twenty" in A paean for Peter Warlock (2000 Thames Publishing)



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