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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Taking stock

Martin Cooke

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I'm not sure that organ builders see it as a priority to update their websites all that frequently and I wondered if we might take stock of what new organs are being built either in the UK for UK or world consumption, or in other countries for installation in the UK. We might go back to the beginning of 2012, I suppose...


So, we've got...

the Drake instrument in St Paul's crypt;

St George's, Hanover Square;


If you add something - could you try to add a website link?

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There's an annual partial listing of work - mainly by IBO members, in the annual publication "Organ Building". The list for 2010 (published in last year's journal) shows 11 new organs, ranging from 3 stop box organs to 2 4m Cathedral instruments (Llandaff & St Edmundsbury). On top of that, there are rebuilds that are, in effect, a new organ but using some existing parts. We do try and list new organs on NPOR.


Every Blessing



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There's an annual partial listing of work - mainly by IBO members, in the annual publication "Organ Building". The list for 2010 (published in last year's journal) shows 11 new organs, ranging from 3 stop box organs to 2 4m Cathedral instruments (Llandaff & St Edmundsbury). On top of that, there are rebuilds that are, in effect, a new organ but using some existing parts. We do try and list new organs on NPOR.


Every Blessing




You say 'on top of that etc,' after mentioning St. Edmondsbury, but this organ does itself have I think about 2,000 pipes from the former organ (or perhaps the former incarnation of the present organ?). Most of the pedal basses, the great upperwork and a substantial part of the swell aren't new. Also, the lovely solo strings have been kept. Also some of the choir is from the former choir and discarded positive divisions.


John R

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