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Moving on a bit from Christmas... to Candlemas...

Martin Cooke

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I could do with a bit of a steer on suitable post-eucharist organ music for this occasion. Last year I played the second of the two Orgelbuchlein chorale preludes - the A minor one - which I felt was worth learning for the occasion and kept me quite busy... but this and the other one (D minor) can be played at the start or during communion. In 2017, I happened to find myself in St Paul's for the 5.00pm Eucharist (replacing Evensong) and it was absolutely magical. Simon Johnson played the A minor chorale prelude at the end of the service which seemed apposite and ethereal on a dark February night, but I am wondering if something more festive is called for after a morning eucharist. I don't want it to be a damp squib. 

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There’s a very good Lumen ad revelationem by Dupre - the last of the Six Antiennes pour le Temps de Noel. Quite fiddly, but worth the effort. And L’Orgue Mystique Suite 11 for the Purification has a striking final movement, not as hard as the Dupre.  

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This is a more general thought than one necessarily specific to Candlemas, but what about Buxtehude?  In the humble little hole I inhabit, if I find myself considering Bach's choral preludes, I always think about the Buxtehude equivalents as well.  Just a thought.

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3 minutes ago, Colin Pykett said:

This is a more general thought than one necessarily specific to Candlemas, but what about Buxtehude?  In the humble little hole I inhabit, if I find myself considering Bach's choral preludes, I always think about the Buxtehude equivalents as well.  Just a thought.

Quite right, Colin - and my thoughts exactly... Amazon is due to deliver two volumes of his Chorale Preludes this evening!!

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What about the "Herr Gott, nun schleuss" from the Neumeister Collection (BWV 1092)? A lively miniature chorale fantasia with echo effects and a "cadenza" at the final cadence:


I may, however, go for Tambling's Fanfare on "Shine, Jesus, shine" as that will be our last hymn!

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