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Everything posted by DaveHarries

  1. Evening all, Just found this clip of the Waldsassen Basilica and it features an improvisation on the abbey organ. What piece is being improvised on and who, if known, wrote the improvisation? It is not a piece I recognise. The improvisation starts about 55 seconds in. Cheers, Dave
  2. Evening all, Having got back on Sunday afternoon from a splendid residential retreat at Lee Abbey (nr. Lynton, North Devon) - who can resist a view like this: - and in the evenings they have something called "Christ In Quiet" which is basically a chance for prayer. During these CiQ sessions there is music played off a CD in the background. On the Saturday evening the CD of music heard at the CiQ session contained a piece sung by a choir and the anthem (?) contained the line "Sing to God with a joyful heart" (the only line I could make out the words to) but I was unable to find out what the piece was. Does anyone here have any ideas what the piece might have been? I did make a discreet recording of about 2 minutes of it if anyone thinks they might know: I can forward the sound clip by email for anyone who fancies trying to ID the piece. Cheers, Dave
  3. Edit: Query answered: thread not now needed and can be deleted.
  4. Another YouTube clip that I found while listening to a recording of the Finnish national anthem was this one. It is played by the Finnish organist Kalevi Kiviniemi on the Cavaille-Coll organ of St. Ouen, Rouen. A very good rendition if you ask me. Dave
  5. I am surprised I get the first post on this thread of 2015. I have just come across this piece but the uploader does not know what the piece is and nether do I. Any ideas on here? Dave
  6. Afternoon all, Having spent this morning at Bristol Cathedral (W.A Mozart - "Missa Brevis in B flat" K275 with choir + organ + orchestra for anyone wondering what the music was) may I take this opportunity to wish everyone on this board, plus all at Mander Organs, a very Merry Christmas and all the best for 2015. Dave
  7. My Father, who is an alumnus of University College, was interested to hear of this when I told him just now. Nothing on the Univ website though. Dave
  8. About time too! I well remember the controversy in the newspapers when the pipe organ that was replaced by the electronic was removed. Dave
  9. Here is an instrument that is superb in both sound and appearence! Largest baroque organ in Europe which dates from the second half of the 17th Century and can be played by 3 organists at the same time, apparently! Stunning casework too! Wikipedia entry (Polish with rough English translation): https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=pl&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fpl.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FOrgany_w_Bazylice_Zwiastowania_Naj%25C5%259Bwi%25C4%2599tszej_Maryi_Panny_w_Le%25C5%25BCajsku&edit-text= Picture: https://www.flickr.com/photos/walaszek/14509703899 YouTube (Bach Toccata & Fugue in D-Minor): Very nice! Enjoy! Dave
  10. Here's a clip I really like. I heard this piece on Howard Goodall's "Organ Works" series on TV several years back: I think I still have the videotape with the series on! However until last night, when I found this clip in a related link to something else I was watching, I had never known what the piece was. And bearing in mind the organ's side (6m, 101 stops, 141 rks if the article at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stiftsbasilika_Waldsassen is correct although the 6 manual console may also play the choir instrument but I am not sure and the article doesn't specify) it is not surprising how grand this piece sounds on here. Dave
  11. Yes I noticed how full the quire was. My Dad thought the number of people sitting in the Quire during the recital to be about 400. I don't know what the capacity of the seating in the quire at Worcester Cathedral normally is but I noticed how much extra seating was being put out. Dave
  12. I wish to place on record my thanks to all concerned with the music for the Evensong, as well as M. Latry for his concert. My parents and I were there for the recital and the concert and both were absolutely superb. The scheduled programme of the concert rightly earned M. Latry - who played with no sheet music at all AFAIK - a standing ovation. There was indeed an encore. M. Latry had arrived while the congregation were singing the final hymn of the evensong ("All My Hope On God Is Founded" to the tune "Michael"). After the scheduled programme of the concert, M. Latry said that he wished to "improvise on the hymn we had been singing when he arrived". The Dean of Worcester (The Very Reverend Peter Atkinson) duly passed the hymn book, opened at the right page, to M. Latry who gave some superb improvisations on "Michael". At the end of these, when he gave the tune a final run through, quite a number of the congregation / audience joined in and we did all 5 verses!. A great way to end the concert. For the benefit of anyone who wasn't there, but who may be wondering, the address during the memorial Evensong was given by Dr. John Rowntree (DoM, Douai Abbey) who mentioned his first meeting with Ken and some of the commissions the two of them subsequently worked on. Sorry I didn't get a chance to say hello, Chris. I guess you were doing the music prior to the start of, as well as after, Evensong: if so then well done for the playing of a piece that I had never previously heard. Cheers, Dave
  13. For anyone wondering, the Worcester Cathedral website confirms the music for evensong on 04th October will be:: Responses: Rose Stanford - Beati quorum via Noble in B minor Ps 45, 46 Ireland - Greater love Hymns 263 vv1-3, 7; 333 Sounds good. Dave
  14. Just a quick note for anyone hoping to go to the KT memorial evensong at Worcester Cathedral on Saturday 04th October. According to the Cathedral website the service will start, on this Saturday only, at the earlier time of 4:30pm. I am hoping to get there for the evensong and the inevitably superb concert that will follow. A reminder also that tickets are £14. "Sat 4 October, 4.30pm Evensong in memoriam Kenneth Tickell please note earlier time for Evensong on this day Sat 4 October, 6.45pm Olivier Latry, Notre Dame, Paris, 6th Anniversary Gala Organ Recital Tickets £14 from the Cathedral Shop or on the door before recital Anyone else going from this forum? Dave
  15. Thanks for that. I had a look at the renditions of both those composers and then, on a related link, came up an arrangement by Michel Corrette and I think it may be his. This sounds the closest to what is heard on that organ in Cologne: Dave
  16. Thought this would be of interest. It is the final hymn and recessional music from a Christmas Mass at Cologne Cathedral in 2010. Excellent music: I believe the piece of music right at the end was written by the cathedral organist, Winfried Böning. I did see the title of that piece somewhere but can't recall it. Dave
  17. I have never heard this setting: the only setting entitled "Mass of...." was Speller's "Mass of St. Louis" which, along with the Darke in E, is one of my favourite Eucharist settings. Are there any clips of the "Mass of St. Thomas" on YouTube? Dave
  18. "In amongst the hurly-burly of Three Choirs, we were saddened to hear of the sudden death last Thursday morning of Kenneth Tickell, who built our fabulous Quire Organ. Our sympathies go out to his family, friends and colleagues." (Facebook page, Worcester Cathedral - posted 29-Jul-2014)
  19. Thank you for this post. I shall endeavour to go to the recital which, if Mr. Latry has his way, will no doubt be spectacular. I shall try and go to the Evensong as well if time permits. Do you have a time for the start of these please? Also, how much is it likely to cost to get into the recital? Dave
  20. I am much saddened to hear this news. I remember going to the Sunday Eucharist at Worcester the day after Thomas Trotter's opening recital on the new cathedral organ and it was a thoroughly impressive sound. Also, living in Bristol, I have heard the small chamber organ that KT built for the Cathedral. Fab instrument: great for early music. My Dad tells me he spoke to KT himself over some small matter concerning the Bristol instrument and liked him. May KT rest in peace and rise in glory. Dave
  21. Was going to make a post regarding the installation of the new Canon Precentor at Bristol on 1st March. But a question before I do: is this forum thread strictly for organ & choral appointments or is it OK to post other music-related church appointments in this bit too? Cheers, Dave
  22. Yes quite. And when I said "best of luck to him" I meant all the best and was not being sarcastic! D
  23. Golly! Robert Quinney didn't stay long at Peterborough, did he?! Good luck to him. Dave
  24. Although I never met the man I have seen pictures of his work in Choir & Organ and I was also lucky enough to attend the opening recital on his organ for the Victoria Rooms (University of Bristol Music Department), NPOR D07093, back in 1996. http://www.npor.org.uk/NPORView.html?RI=D07093 The organ world has lost another great. RIP. Dave
  25. Following on from AJJ's post of 30th December, the NPOR reference for this organ is A00398 for anyone interested. Dave
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