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Everything posted by mrbouffant

  1. I once watched a rather low-brow TV show profiling "salt of the earth" types who had won the National Lottery. An especially plummy-voiced gentleman offered the immortal sentiment (as he viewed some rather vulgar Essex chateau complete with fake Corinthian columns) that "money can't buy taste"...
  2. An A... ...hol? Rather harsh, don't you think?
  3. Hmmm.. I'm convinced this is a complete spoof. I wonder how Lee Blick came across it? Look at this lovely "arty" nobile image... Right-click it, and select properties. Look at the name of the picture file. Perhaps that sums it up best of all
  4. Why berate the poor chap? He plays the Vierne better than I did aged 14... If I'd read all this invective when I was that age, I think I would have given up the organ completely and started concentrating on the fairer sex somewhat earlier than I did....
  5. You haven't had early sight of the April edition of this learned publication have you?
  6. I got a copy of Christopher Maxim's "Toccata Nuptiale" for Xmas, the blurb says: "It makes a liason between the musichall ballad 'Daisy, Daisy' (the [composer's bridegroom] friend had a passion for cycling!) - on the pedals - and the grand organ style of Vierne." It's a lot of fun. I'm pushing it to undecided couples this "season"..
  7. NPOR seems a bit tempermental this evening, so I ask a question here in hope of an informed answer! I was out having dinner with a friend this evening and we got to talking about the organ at St Michael and All Angels, Lambourn.. As far as he was aware, this is a Willis of some standing (?1858) and wanted to know if there was any point in looking to raise the funds required to restore the instrument to a reasonable condition. I was reminded that Sir George C. Martin, sometime organist at St. Pauls Cathedral was a Lambournian and probably played this instrument.. Could you enlightened souls please provide any information you have on this instrument and your opinions regarding it's quality/importance/state (original? much altered?) Many Thanks!
  8. Jonathan: that's good to know. Please pass on our regards from a church with a Daniels rebuild of 1990
  9. book dealers do, and I missed out a couple of times previous to that, for less sorry, I didn't mean to wind you up, it was just an honest statement of my experience.. I can't believe it's not been picked up for a reprint, scandalous really seeing the original book was what, £30 in hardback, and is probably still considered the definitive text...
  10. Is it back in print? I tried to get a hard or soft cover copy for ages, with no luck. In the end a mint hardback turned up on ebay with an American seller. Still set me back nearly £95 including shipping...
  11. hmmmm whilst this is undeniably sad news for all concerned.. I can only breathe a sigh of relief that I changed and established a fruitful relationship with new tuners before this happened...
  12. An interesting discussion, but how much of the dilution/withering of the Anglican faith in the UK can be seen as contributing towards the disparity with our Danish cousins? Also, one can hardly be casting jealous glances across the North Sea when we all knew when we embarked on our full/partial/occasional careers as organists that the remuneration and regard we would garner would not keep a church mouse in warm socks and cheese most of the time.. Ah well, for those of you with the talent, go ye to Copenhagen and it's environs.. For the rest of us, we shall raise a glass of the fabled Carlsberg Elephant beer during the next long and largely ill-prepared sermon and get ready to coax our wheezy blowers into life for another rendition of tedious Victorian hymnody...
  13. To quote the article regarding children and learning the pipe organ: How true!
  14. Seems a strange thing to do IMHO to start a thread looking for opinion and then patronise somebody who doesn't agree with you... Perhaps it's just me... btw I should 'fess up that I am also a subscriber of Organists Review. I am ambivalent about the restyle but agree you with you insofar I can't work out the new policy on cover photos.. I would like to see John Bertalot's column retired. He seems to say the same thing every month, just in a different way (what he says is interesting, but the nth iteration becomes tiresome in my opinion)
  15. Blimey, how patronising. Are people not allowed to hold a different opinion to you?
  16. Are you talking here exclusively about the Organ Symphony as a solo form or will you include those with orchestra as well? Clearly if you were including the latter you might include the two Guilmant works
  17. Well PD is in liquidation, so no one new owns PD otherwise they would own whatever debts made liquidation the sensible option. Cawston purchased the assets/goodwill (whatever that means) of PD so how can it be split up? I would be interested in hearing more on this from anyone in the know...
  18. The Times has an obituary: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,60-1808300,00.html
  19. mrbouffant


    Who's to say, but I think it demonstrates pragmatic management. I would never criticise anyone for having the guts to pull the plug on a high profile and expensive project if for whatever reason it is clear that it's financially impossible. Often people bury their head in the sand and push on regardless, with predictable results.
  20. mrbouffant


    All members should have received a letter about this during this week. Seems like after a detailed review they can't afford to do the revedevelopment/move. A brave decision to throw the brakes on but it does leave them with a lot of big decisions to be made now I guess...
  21. mrbouffant

    Rare Music

    As I said, excuse me for being a killjoy. Are you not selling the scores for these works on your website? I must have misunderstood the shopping cart bit... Copyright law in the UK is different to the US, and hence the date of death of the composer is the overriding factor, not the date of authorship/publication.. Not sure what the moderator on the board thinks about a post on a UK forum which links to material which by UK law is still in copyright...
  22. mrbouffant

    Rare Music

    An interesting way of promoting your own goods and services! As well as breaking the forum rules, I guess you are also breaking copyright by providing these audio recordings since all these composers died within the last 70 years... Sorry to be such a killjoy...
  23. I have felt some of the innuendo a little misplaced, personally, but I do feel this rather serious and dry board has been livened up by certain individuals of late.. One solution might be that Manders would consider enabling the "complain about this post" link which this board software supports and then they would be in a position to react to other people's view of particular contributors. Then again, they would probably prefer to concentrate on what they are best at -- building and restoring fine pipe organs :angry:
  24. you've just reminded me, i have a CD of the Atlantic City organ.. the first tracks are indeed each of the blowers starting up... lol
  25. lol ... I have two but they both "clunk", assuming the East one hasn't tripped which often happens..
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