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Mander Organ Builders Forum

New Organist Website

Guest Barry Williams

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Guest Barry Williams

I hope our hosts will not mind my mentioning that Organist Publications Limited has now launched a new Website.


Board members may be interested particularly in two features:



There is a new organist's contract, with accompanying notes.


Also, there are some questions and answers that may be of some help.








Barry Williams

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I hope our hosts will not mind my mentioning that Organist Publications Limited has now launched a new Website.


Congratulations Barry! Marvellous clear, easy to use and effective website.

will add that to list of links on our site and wish you all the best with the venture.

Memo to self: buy 'The Organist's Dictionary of Real Meanings' for Christmas - looks huge fun.



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Congratulations Barry! Marvellous clear, easy to use and effective website.

will add that to list of links on our site and wish you all the best with the venture.

Memo to self: buy 'The Organist's Dictionary of Real Meanings' for Christmas - looks huge fun.








This could snowball and become a pivotal charity, once they start up the free legal, counselling and psychiatric departments.





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Guest Barry Williams

This could snowball and become a pivotal charity, once they start up the free legal, counselling and psychiatric departments.






At least you have distinguished the three- sometimes they all feel about the same, but I think most lawyers find that. After all, most legal problems upset people. What is distressing is when it happens in church and what could be resolved by talking sometimes ends up in litigation. That is why we have contracts!


Barry Williams

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