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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Console Design For St. Peter's, Vatican

Guest Lee Blick

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I thought I would come up with a couple of console designs to stevebournias specifications.  As you can see it offers plenty of resources and duplexing, a feature in Mr Bournias's design.






Comments welcome!  :)


I think that you've hit the nail on the head, Lee. These bear the unmistakable flavour of Sauce La Bournais - adolescent nightmare.

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Guest Lee Blick

I wish I hadn't started this thread now. It was only meant to be something light-hearted. It wasn't supposed to be a slur on anyone. I am going to stop posting anything to do with stevebournias from now on.


That person surely needs an organ transplant imho. :)

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Guest Lee Blick
yours is probabaly a mighty Gulbransen 2 manual 44-note Spinet with light-up keys.


I could be very rude, if we are going start comparing the size of our organs... :):o:)

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Guest paul@trinitymusic.karoo.co.uk
I could be very rude, if we are going start comparing the size of our organs... :)  :o  :)



Lee, I find your latest contributions extremely amusing, so don't stop!


In particular, don't let Steve B (who should not be posting on this site) get you down. He has been officially suspended from posting on this site, but has clearly found a way around it. Every new posting from yfd confirms that we are surely hearing once again from the same man. He has not learned either tolerance or manners, it seems.


Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!

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I thought I would come up with a couple of console designs to stevebournias specifications.  As you can see it offers plenty of resources and duplexing, a feature in Mr Bournias's design.






Comments welcome!  :)





The second is very close to my recent idea for a completely circular console, into which the organist descends like a fish-bowl. With a Howard Seat, your design is possibly workable, but with fixed seat, there is not the slightest possibility that those toe-pistons could be reached. At least, you achieved your aim of producing a very, very, very non-RCO console!!


I have an even better idea in mind. A 16-manual console where the organist rotates like a spit, strapped into a bucket-seat and wearing a crash-helmet.


Just one small grips. I think you have used a little rickery to get all those thumb-pistons. In fact, I suspect that they are mints stuck on with super-glue, just for effect.


You must have a very large workshop/garage/garden-shed.


When can we visit?



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Guest Lee Blick
where the organist rotates like a spit, strapped into a bucket-seat and wearing a crash-helmet


What a furtive mind you have, MM! :):)

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Guest Roffensis
I thought I would come up with a couple of console designs to stevebournias specifications.  As you can see it offers plenty of resources and duplexing, a feature in Mr Bournias's design.






Comments welcome!  :(



EXCELLENT!!!!! Rick Wakeman would be jealous, but does it have a 4 foot flute???




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Console pictures - superb, worth a thousand words as they say.


Re. Rick Wakeman, I'm in no way known for my appreciation of any non-classical music, but I would have to admit to finding the "organ" interlude in "Close to the edge" a thrilling moment.


Sad perhaps, but honest.

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Console pictures - superb, worth a thousand words as they say.


Re. Rick Wakeman, I'm in no way known for my appreciation of any non-classical music, but I would have to admit to finding the "organ" interlude in "Close to the edge" a thrilling moment.


Sad perhaps, but honest.




Another Wakeman fan! Good! Have you heard "Live at Lincoln" - mainly recorded on the organ. Not great music by any means, but very pleasant listening.


Rick has frequently used organ in his recordings - right back to "The 6 Wives of Henry 8th" in the 1970's - and even had Mander's build him a small travelling organ (2 manuals controlling 3 extended ranks of pipes).


Every Blessing



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Guest Roffensis
Console pictures - superb, worth a thousand words as they say.


Re. Rick Wakeman, I'm in no way known for my appreciation of any non-classical music, but I would have to admit to finding the "organ" interlude in "Close to the edge" a thrilling moment.


Sad perhaps, but honest.



Yes, but sad? better that than be so far ........... :)


close to the edge is very good, and the organ part was done at St Giles Cripplegate, as was the "Six Wives"......good technique he has too. That would make many a organist jealous! :(


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I thought I would come up with a couple of console designs to stevebournias specifications.  As you can see it offers plenty of resources and duplexing, a feature in Mr Bournias's design.






Comments welcome!  :P


Only one pedal board really restricts what one can play...and these days a quarter tone key and pedal board is just about essential. :(

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  • 4 weeks later...
Goodness me! Stop! Stop!



I thought this deserved some further investigation , since the surroundings in which the console was photographed did not seem to indicate a building that needed that large an instrument, but apparently it only has 456 stops! (Well stop knobs to be strictly truthful) Anyway here are a few stats to make some of you very jealous!!!


"Designed and built by Allen Harrah, a West Virginia native, the symphonic organ at Forrest Burdette is a six manual and pedal organ with 456 draw knobs positioned along the console's walls. With more than 2,600 pipes and more than 20,000 digital pipe notes, the pipes must be "tuned" a couple of times a year because the room temperature directly affects the tone of the pipes.


"You have to have a consistent temperature. They are delicate in that respect," Gatewood said.


And with 10,400 watts of audio power and 148 speaker systems, the organ music swells and rolls in a huge volume of sound that envelops the auditorium much like a movie theater."

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I think that link should be:



I liked the quote by Allen Harrah that he funded the organ because he "wanted to give something back to the community"! http://www.putnamlive.com/FORRESTBURDETTEORGAN.html


How many English churches have such munificent benefactors? Er... um... :huh:

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“It’s special because it is truly a major concert because of its six manuals and equivalence of 389 ranks,”



  Wrong!  It is not the equivalent of 389 ranks, it is fake fake fake!  I wonder what the floor area of that Church is for all of that "organ".


      - Nathan


      Notorious tubular-pneumaticist and pipe-onlyist





It may be fake, but I expect the console alone would keep an organ-builder well in the black for a few years!


I see they mentioned the Castro Theatre, in S.F. (San Fran's Disco!) where there is the superb Ed Stout masterpiece WurLitzer....I swoon when I hear that on CD.


I swoon wonderfully....... :wub:


However, my favourite quote, from one of the articles is the following:-


“It can do everything from being electrifying to purring like a little kitten. It does it all.”


Well, "aye" once had an amplifier stack which did EXACTLY the same thing!







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