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Ordination at Gloucester on Sunday 19 September


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One of the curates from our benefice is being ordained at Gloucester Cathedral at 10.15 this Sunday. The service is being streamed live and I'm sure that the organ will play a prominent part.

Links are available from the first page of the Diocesan website - or directly through Youtube and Facebook. https://www.gloucester.anglican.org/2020/ordinations-2020/
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I have a fond spot for Gloucester since singing there as visiting chorister when I was quite small. Gloucester have been live-streaming their Sunday services on their YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/DioceseofGloucester/videos 

All have had some wonderful organ music - I particularly like the little improvisations that fit between the gospel and the sermon. However my favourite begins with 5 1/2 minutes silent contemplation of the organ before it bursts into BWV 542. It's a pity that the audio isn't high definition, but you can't have everything.

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Bristol's ordinations, delayed from July, are happening on Sunday 04th October, the day after the installation of Rev. Canon Mandy Ford (who recently finished her time as Canon Chancellor of Southwark Cathedral) as Dean of Bristol although I don't know if she will be having a part in that service. Should be interesting although I also don't know if it will be streamed live.


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