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Austin - Organ Sonata


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1 hour ago, father-willis said:

I have just come across mention of an Organ Sonata by Frederic Austin which is dedicated to Percy Whitlock. Does anyone know of this work?

I don't, normally, recommend Wikipedia but there is quite a lot on Austin there. However there is no mention of an Organ Sonata. He had organ lessons from an uncle, Dr. W.H.Hunt, in Liverpool and was organist at several Birkenhead churches. As he is remembered, in maturity, largely as a baritone singer, and not an organist, I would suggest that the Organ Sonata might be an early piece. Austin was friendly with Rutland Boughton, Havergal Brian and used to play piano duets with Bax. All names that point to Harold Truscott!! If only he were still alive, he would be able to point you in the right direction.

Sorry to be no no great help!

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Austin was certainly a prolific composer and versatile musician.

Sharing S_L’s reservations about Wikipedia (although I frequently participate there as an editor), in fact the Organ Sonata is listed under compositions with the date “1935 (?)”, confirming the dedication to Percy Whitlock, and finally “MS” suggesting that it is unpublished.  It’s possible that the Whitlock connection could be a fruitful source of further information.  Malcolm Riley is the acknowledged Whitlock expert.  

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I think we are almost certainly referring here to Martin Lee-Browne (note spelling) until recently Chairman of the Delius Society and author of “Delius and his Music” with co-author Paul Guinery, a familiar BBC name, and contributions by Sir Mark Elder: published by Boydell & Brewer Ltd.  I don’t know any current contact details, but with Martin Cooke enthusiastically urging all of us to be enterprising, I’m sure someone will be able to follow up further leads!

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