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Mander Organ Builders Forum


  1. Mander Organ Builders Forum

    1. Welcome to the Mander Organ Builders Forum


      Updated 27th August 2020

      F H Browne & Sons ltd is delighted to announce that it has acquired the trading name and intellectual property rights of Mander Organs Ltd. From 1st October 2020 F H Browne (Organ Builders) Ltd will revert to trading under the name Mander Organ Builders for all current and future contracts.
      Both companies are based in South East England, and three of the current FHB employees (including myself) are former employees of Mander Organs, so there are immediate synergies.

      We are delighted to have made this transition and look forward to working with our present and future customers both in the UK and Internationally.

      It is also confirmed that his forum will continue as it is now.

      Stephen Bayley
      Managing Director


      If you wish to register on this forum as a member then please visit this link: https://mander-organs.com/forum/registration/

      If your registration is successful, you will receive an email to say an account has been created for you. Go to the top right of the forum page and click Sign In. At the bottom of the login box, click Forgot your Password. Enter your email email address and you will be emailed a link to change your password. Then you can login in normally using your Display Name and your new password.

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    • I appear not to be making my thoughts on this absolutely crystal clear. I am attempting to state the lack of actual organ recitals in the Proms itinerary. No one more than myself is aware of the use of the instrument  in other works , as so splendidly illustrated by the enclosed vid. Very impressed by the performer.   My favourite rendition of this work however would have be the version with  JPS as " soloist " but other performances are equally excellent. I would also include works by Poulenc, Jongen et.al in which the organ certainly soars to moments of sheer brilliance for more than a couple of minutes; but I am banging on about its use as a stand alone.  
    • I particularly like this recording of it: Paul
    • Adnosad - it might be worth you looking at a score of the Janacek Glagolitic Mass - Movement VII!!
    • Disagree. I did not bother to mention those pieces in which the organ is basically  used for augmenting the bass line.  Obviously I did not stress the point of mentioning the  use of the  organ for  SOLO  performances instead of  as an artillery accompaniment for  added effect. like you so correctly state, " to prop up the singing/bellowing on the last night ". Which conveniently brings me to my final point re` " matters prom ";  I refer to a letter in the RT (20/26/07 ) in which the writer suggests. I have slightly edited the original  here for the sake of brevity but it still makes for a good debate.      " it is high time this event moved away from long, tedious symphonies " and,        "Hopefully the " intellectual classical content will continue to diminish so that more people can actually enjoy them " No, I was not the writer of this. Just commenting .
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