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Mander Organ Builders Forum


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Everything posted by gazman

  1. But what will they be like when they reach your age, Vox?
  2. Armed with their Zimmer frames, no doubt! Oh dear!
  3. I should think with some on our forum, it might be something more like "StairLIFT to heaven"!
  4. Well, I'll stand up and be counted. Actually, I'm probably the oldest in the night club, so not strictly the night club generation, but I get away with it!
  5. And what, pray, is wrong with sitting in one's Mercedes?
  6. I think the anguished build-up to the climax of this piece, and the resolution of the harmonic tension, probably the most moving of any piece of British organ music. I may be a softy, but I can't play this nor listen to a good performance without at least one tear forming. It is truly wonderful.
  7. Yes, I agree PCND. It's very much the same in both of my places.
  8. And you could combine the Stopped Diapason 16' with the Dulciana 8' as a Dulciana helper to give you a "Contra Dulciana" at 16' pitch on the pedal. Very useful. The organ in one of my churches (2m H&H, ex RSCM) has a double stopped rank on the Great and, when combined with the Dulciana, sounds totally like an open rank, right down to bottom C.
  9. Interesting! Thanks for that information. Recently I had one of my email addresses published without my permission, and without the decency to request that permission. Fortunately, I was able to get it removed later, but not before it was picked up by spam robots, resulting in lots of spam each day. :angry: I hadn't realized that the law was on my side. It is annoying when one requests that one's email address be removed and this doesn't happen.
  10. The posts on the BBC forum have only been temporarily hidden. I suspect, though, that they won't return.
  11. I suppose it depends on your repertoire, Andy.
  12. Well, waddya grumbling about then? Honestly, some people are never satisfied....
  13. Crumbs. All this modern technology! Is it compatible with my gramophone?
  14. And don't forget the sticky sessions he has in the vestry with his rector!
  15. Well, maybe you should have taken those sun-glasses off, then!
  16. Isn't it wonderful on the oh-so-rare occasion that an instrument makes you feel like this!
  17. One of the instruments which I used to preside over was built c. 1820 by Bishop as a large and comprehensive 3 decker. I saw a letter, written in the 1960s by the then vicar, who wrote to HN&B whom he wanted to rebuild the organ to say that the church wanted it rebuilt as a "mini organ". I know this was the age of the mini car (hmmph) and the mini skirt (lovely), but why the mini organ? The organ was thus reduced to a 2 decker.
  18. Yeh, but from the tone of some the comments posted on this forum, some of us will only tear the recitals to shreds.....
  19. Then maybe you've been unfortunate in the Dulciana stops you've come across.
  20. Accompanying other stops. Blending with an 8' flute to make a different tone quality. Using with a 4' flute to make an interesting solo combination. Used on its own for gentle effects when neither string nor flute tone may be wanted. Ok, I'll grant you that Dulcianas aren't perhaps the most useful of stops per se but I've often played on an organ where the Great may just have a couple of diapasons and a fat flute at 8' pitch and nothing suitable for accompanying a solo stop or combination played on another manual. It's in those circumstances that I've wanted a Dulciana or similar. I accept I might be in the minority.
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