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Notre Dame de Paris

Choir Man

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Thanks for putting this vid up.  Very interesting. My French could just about keep up!

However I am absolutely appalled beyond belief at the state of the " console "; looks more like something the joiners have cobbled together out of old bits lying round the back of the workshop.

Whatever were the authorities thinking about ( presuming that is that they thought at all )  by selecting this monstrosity.  An English console in a French setting?? !!   After the fire I was hoping that there would be a tiered console for the rebuild but no, replace the previous effort with a shabby replica; it`ll do.

I enjoyed perusing the vid on St. Eustache which was included on the viewing list.

Now that is what a console should look like.

C`est la vie.

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5 hours ago, Adnosad said:

Thanks for putting this vid up.  Very interesting. My French could just about keep up!

However I am absolutely appalled beyond belief at the state of the " console "; looks more like something the joiners have cobbled together out of old bits lying round the back of the workshop.

Whatever were the authorities thinking about ( presuming that is that they thought at all )  by selecting this monstrosity.  An English console in a French setting?? !!   After the fire I was hoping that there would be a tiered console for the rebuild but no, replace the previous effort with a shabby replica; it`ll do.

I enjoyed perusing the vid on St. Eustache which was included on the viewing list.

Now that is what a console should look like.

C`est la vie.

It looks to me like the same console that was there pre fire:https://www.atelier-quoirin.com/ParisND_etude_eng.php

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Well, all I can say it is a great pity that the present  console did not go up in smoke instead.

As an aside, and as a point of interest bringing C-C matters to our own shores it is worth noting that Manchester Town Hall, as part of its extensive and expensive restoration programme has also included in the plan the restoration of the C_C organ in the Great Hall.   

This instrument originally had a C_C console but for some reason that was substituted in a rebuild with an  English monstrosity.

Thankfully the powers that be have decided that the new console will be very similar in design to the original in order to maintain a link with the original instrument.  Plenty of details/pics available on the Nicholson website.

Obviously the powers that be at ND de P had no such intentions.

I will also continue flying the Northern flag and state for the benefit of those readers who may be blissfully unaware, that we also have another  C-C in the Parr Hall Warrington, this instrument however is not in a good state at the present time.

Finally, we did have another  C _C  in Blackburn  Cathedral but local atmospheric pollution destroyed the innards so that finally disappeared in the `60`s,but Walkers used the metal in their excellent replacement.

All these instruments, I am led to believe, could be played successfully wearing clogs and wearing a cloth cap; not to forget the ferret in the top pocket too !!


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5 hours ago, Adnosad said:

Well, all I can say it is a great pity that the present  console did not go up in smoke instead.

Adnosad, this subject isn’t new!  Debated at length (six pages of comments!) starting twelve years ago, and strong feelings then:


There are token gestures to ‘terracing’ in the present console.  The stop jambs are curved and you will see a kind of terracing, each division of the jambs slightly raised at the very top over the next.  It’s rather subtle and seems to have been missed in all the controversy.

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5 hours ago, Adnosad said:

local atmospheric pollution

I think you are being charitable there! Rebuilt several times to anglicise it and moved around the building unprotected in times of construction work.

There is also a CC listed in St Gabriel's Blackburn though rebuilt and I think the church has closed in recent years. I don't know much more other than Fred Dewhurst was organist there for a long time and he was very competent.

Aren't ferrets a risk in the pneumatic pipes?!

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5 hours ago, OwenTurner said:

Aren't ferrets a risk in the pneumatic pipes?!

Not all Northerners keep ferrets.  Personally, I'm very happy with two cats.
They keep the ferrets down, you know.

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7 hours ago, Rowland Wateridge said:

Adnosad, this subject isn’t new!  Debated at length (six pages of comments!) starting twelve years ago, and strong feelings then:


There are token gestures to ‘terracing’ in the present console.  The stop jambs are curved and you will see a kind of terracing, each division of the jambs slightly raised at the very top over the next.  It’s rather subtle and seems to have been missed in all the controversy.

Interesting to read that thread again. My comments made eleven years ago still stand. I still think it looks like an IKEA fabrication. I suppose refurbishing instead of replacing saves money. I suspect OL insisted on it being kept.  

As I commented in the other thread, I don't think any 'adventurous' additions will be made, especially the re-instatement of the Positif de Dos. Pierre Cochereau would not be pleased.

I also prefer cats to ferrets. I never understood why people like them. Is it really a 'Northern' thing?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had the slightest hope that the supports of the loft would be reinforced in the restoration of the church, but it appears that the opportunity was not taken. Though spacious, the Notre-Dame loft is notorious for its weak conctruction, and is unable to support more than half a dozen or so people.

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