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Everything posted by gazman

  1. Fortunately, it's just about within my capabilities!
  2. Welcome Malcolm. I hope you enjoy contributing here! Silence is a wonderful gift which seems to terrify many people nowadays.
  3. I'd forgotten I had this LP, and seem to remember that it was utterly delightful. I must dig it out again. Thanks!
  4. Joking aside, I remember giving an organ recital a number of years back as the first meeting of the local organists' association who had just restarted the association after it had been dormant for a number of years. The idea was to have the recital, then tea, and then the first General Meeting to appoint officers. I finished the programme with Franck's Piece Heroique. And guess what happened in that big dramatic silence before it moves into B major for the last page? A ruddy loudly whistling tea urn, that's what!! Wrecked the effect totally!
  5. Being quite tight-fisted, I refused to buy the score and learnt it by ear. Took ages though.....
  6. gazman

    Bwv 562

    Thank you, Vox. That's summed up perfectly the point I was making rather less eloquently.
  7. gazman

    Bwv 562

    Four? But you do make the starting point for a good discussion MM!
  8. gazman

    Bwv 562

    Calm down, Nick! I thought I'd stated it quite clearly. I certainly can't think how I could make it any clearer. Yes, of course much the same could be said of other works of art. It goes without saying, one would have thought. But, unfortunately and obviously, most of the "great" composers (especially those of the Classical era) thought the organ not really worthy of their efforts, alas. The repertoire of our instrument would probably be much richer had they thought differently.
  9. You're welcome, drd. Hope it helps. If the organ's not too large, some of the time set aside in the day's tuning can be used for correcting faults. Obviously, though, the more faults which have to be rectified, the less time available for tuning!
  10. It rather depends on the condition and the size of the organ! I find four full day visits per annum for one of "my" instruments, albeit in good order, acceptable. The church pays about £180 + VAT per visit, although I think this probably slightly cheaper than some firms charge. The journey for the tuners is about an hour each way.
  11. Yes, my thoughts entirely. Does anybody have any idea what happened to this instrument at all?
  12. Thank you headcase and Alastair. I have wondered if this would be possible, and will start experimenting!
  13. gazman

    Bwv 562

    Seconded here! Yes, I think the point is that, with the exception of some of JSB's opus, and a few other pieces (in which I would include the chorales of Franck), very little of the organ repertoire is really great music in the overall scheme of things.
  14. Did they bring in Robert Hope-Jones to do the work then?
  15. That sounds very tempting, especially as I have a birthday that weekend. I wonder if I could persuade Mrs. Gedeckt......
  16. Yes, I suppose one does, Vox. But I've got something at the back of my mind telling me that I've seen an arrangement of it for one organ. Or perhaps I'm just imagining things!
  17. I wonder where they're going to find the second organ for it at Bristol? Joking aside, am I right in thinking that somebody has arranged the accompaniment for just one organ?
  18. Hele & Co also used to supply and fit these types of keys for a while, at least in the early part of the 20th century.
  19. What exactly is it about this instrument which you dislike so?
  20. gazman

    Bwv 562

    Where my Novello editions are duplicated, I have noticed quite significant variations between the older editions and the volumes revised by Emery. I seem to recall that BWV 550 has quite a few changes especially. I've never seen the Ridout edition but have heard that it contains a number of inaccuracies.
  21. gazman

    Radio 3

    I strongly disagree. When I play a voluntary, it is part and parcel of my offering whatever skills I've been given to the worship and glory of God. I know that many or, hopefully, most church organists would think the same.
  22. gazman


    I wasn't knocking the fact that the church was willing to pay a teenager £2,400 a year. I was merely musing that I wish one of my churches felt able to offer an experienced and well-qualfied organist more than this.....
  23. gazman


    Some of us get barely that from church positions even though we're well beyond teenage years!
  24. Wasn't Dr. Jarvis a predecessor of Ian Tracey, as organist at St. George's Hall, Liverpool? Presumably Ian could advise where one might be able to obtain a score.
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