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Hi all,


Which three organs would you most like to play if you were given the chance to do so? I think I would opt for:


- Cologne Cathedral

- St. Nicholas, Amsterdam (the one near Central Station: nice old organ by Sauer from about 1899)

- Some nice small old Schnitger. Don't mind where but should be in original condition if possible.



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Guest Psalm 78 v.67

In this topic, if anyone knows how feasible it is to get to play any instruments mentioned, please add your comments.


My list would include Notre Dame; St Sulpice; St Ouen, Rouen; St Sernin, Toulouse; St Mary Redcliffe (again - have played it many moons ago) likewise Bristol Cathedral. I could go on! Oh, and of course pcnd's chamades!!

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My list would probably include:

St Sulpice, Paris

Bristol Cathedral

Westminster Abbey

St Paul's Cathedral, London

Wellington Town Hall, New Zealand (really nice original 1906 Norman & Beard)


Of course any large organ with more than 3manuals would be pretty nice to me, considering I've only played about 2 3manuals before.



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Guest Cynic
My list would probably include:

St Sulpice, Paris

Bristol Cathedral

Westminster Abbey

St Paul's Cathedral, London

Wellington Town Hall, New Zealand (really nice original 1906 Norman & Beard)


Of course any large organ with more than 3manuals would be pretty nice to me, considering I've only played about 2 3manuals before.





Well three of those are not that difficult to get on. I suggest you practice up your sample programme and be prepared to wait a few years; I would have thought that St.Paul's, Westminster Abbey and Bristol Cathedral might eventually have a slot for you if you approach tactfully.


One that has always eluded me is Durham Cathedral. I've been trying for years and haven't even been allowed to see the console.

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Well three of those are not that difficult to get on. I suggest you practice up your sample programme and be prepared to wait a few years; I would have thought that St.Paul's, Westminster Abbey and Bristol Cathedral might eventually have a slot for you if you approach tactfully.


One that has always eluded me is Durham Cathedral. I've been trying for years and haven't even been allowed to see the console.


One thing that I try to do to see different organs is go around on tuning trips with the local organ builders that I do work for after school and in holidays. There are a lot of old organs that are quite worth a look at around New Zealand.


I know the feeling about trying to see an organ but never get the chance. The organ in Christchurch Cathedral (NZ) is one that I heard a couple of weekends ago at the Organists' Association Congress, and it sounds absolutely fantastic, even though it is covered in plastic wraping because of renovations to Cathedral. Laszlo Attila Almasy was playing it, he really does a good job, but page turning for him is one heck of a job.

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Guest Patrick Coleman

The organ here (picture below) gives me more pleasure than any other instrument I've played or heard. The only thing on my wish list would be a fully rebuilt version. Anyone got a couple of spare six figure sums? (Perhaps also unlimited access to the Parr Hall Cavaillé-Coll!)

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Guest Cynic
One thing that I try to do to see different organs is go around on tuning trips with the local organ builders that I do work for after school and in holidays. There are a lot of old organs that are quite worth a look at around New Zealand.


I know the feeling about trying to see an organ but never get the chance. The organ in Christchurch Cathedral (NZ) is one that I heard a couple of weekends ago at the Organists' Association Congress, and it sounds absolutely fantastic, even though it is covered in plastic wraping because of renovations to Cathedral. Laszlo Attila* Almasy was playing it, he really does a good job, but page turning for him is one heck of a job.



*What a wonderful middle name!


Friends here have just chosen the christian name Izaac for their little baby boy.

Sadly, they are such lovely people (without the slightest mistrust of their fellow man) and both parents refuse to believe me when I point out that this poor child will get teased from day 1 at school. Their surname is Ball.



The kid will be 'I.Ball'.......

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Guest Cynic
The organ here (picture below) gives me more pleasure than any other instrument I've played or heard. The only thing on my wish list would be a fully rebuilt version. Anyone got a couple of spare six figure sums? (Perhaps also unlimited access to the Parr Hall Cavaillé-Coll!)



Dear Father Patrick,

you forgot to say that


Paul Hale is giving a recital upon it tomorrow (Wednesday 20th June) at 7.30pm with free admission, wine and cheese.


I realise that St.Mary's Abertillery is a long way for many of our friends to go, but I add my recommendation for what it's worth. The church is blessed with a large Vowles (seriously good romantic voicing) and a large acoustic. There have been several additions to the organ over recent years so it can make some less-than-Vowles sounds in an impressive way too.



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It could be worse. Did you ever hear about Mr and Mrs Soul who called their children Bob, Dick and Becky?


Even worse than that, there is a guy in USA and his name is Drew Peacock.

I think his parents musn't have liked him very much to give him a name like that.

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Guest Cynic
Even worse than that, there is a guy in USA and his name is Drew Peacock.

I think his parents musn't have liked him very much to give him a name like that.





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It could be worse. Did you ever hear about Mr and Mrs Soul who called their children Bob, Dick and Becky?


I have encountered a gentleman called Isaac Cox. Unsurprisingly, he uses his middle name.


There is a lady here at work (she's in the US) called Fonda Cox, which often amuses.

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Then there were Mr & Mrs Wall and their son, Stone (remembered from a BBC Radio programme).


And a former (3 choirs) organist, whose first name began with D, but who was (is?) commonly known as "Whattock"!


But to keep this on-topic, I don't think I'd need three. I'd settle for just one - Exeter (drool......) :)

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In my previous job I had a colleague named Mike Hunt - he preferred to be called Michael. But, on the original subject, three is a severe limitation, how about:-

- Westminster Cathedral

- Notre Dame

- Weingarten

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In this topic, if anyone knows how feasible it is to get to play any instruments mentioned, please add your comments.


My list would include Notre Dame; St Sulpice; St Ouen, Rouen; St Sernin, Toulouse; St Mary Redcliffe (again - have played it many moons ago) likewise Bristol Cathedral. I could go on! Oh, and of course pcnd's chamades!!



Bristol is probably possible - unless things have changed greatly.


Nôtre-Dame de Paris: this seems to be one of the most heavily guarded instruments in the world.... Good luck.


S. Sernin, Toulouse: Contact me by PM - I have one indirect contact who might be willing to help.


S. Sulpice - I am not sure. Daniel Roth may be approachable. I think that I have an email address for him. As for S. Ouen, Rouen - perhaps someone else here has a contact for this venue. If you do, can you also let me know, please. I would like to play it too.


The last one I can make happen for you - just contact me by PM!


St Wencelas, Naumburg

St Sulpice, Paris

Sydney Town Hall


And can I have at least a day on each, please?


No instruments by Hele, Vox?



My three organs?


1) Nôtre-Dame de Paris (but in about 1975.... Mark Wimpress - any chance of you completing the construction of your time machine soon, please?)


2) S. Sulpice


3) S. Sernin, Toulouse


and 3) Sydney Town Hall


I know, I know.



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One that has always eluded me is Durham Cathedral. I've been trying for years and haven't even been allowed to see the console.


Surely they would let you, of all people, have a go! After all when i visited durham a few weeks ago i met one of the organ scholars of the university who learns with James Lancelot, and he told me if id have made arrangements a couple of days in advance i could have played the cathedral organ.


but yes, that would definitely be on my list, being an organ where the best bits of Willis were taken and added to the best bits of harrison...

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Dear Dave,


We can certainly organize your number two if you mail me!




Ah - I think that I have met you. I played this superb instrument (apart from the slightly short-compass claviers) a few years ago, when playing for a colleague's school choir tour - probably around Easter.


I really enjoyed playing it and would thoroughly recommend that Dave takes you up on your kind offer.


Welcome, Amsterdam! there is an huge amount of work to be done

here, and we will appreciate some help.




Excuse me?

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Hi all,


Which three organs would you most like to play if you were given the chance to do so? I think I would opt for:


- Cologne Cathedral

- St. Nicholas, Amsterdam (the one near Central Station: nice old organ by Sauer from about 1899)

- Some nice small old Schnitger. Don't mind where but should be in original condition if possible.








I've been spoiled over the years......York, most of the organs in Manchester, all the organs worth playing in Liverpool, many cathedral organs except Durham (It's not just you Cynic!), St.Paul's and the two Westminsters.....there are probably others. Hull City Hall....done it many times.


I've played Alkmaar and Bavo, Groningen (two of them), Rotterdam Cathedral, Haarlem Concertegbouw.....the list is too long to mention.


So it would have to be something new; something unique and perhaps inspiring.


I think I would suffer the deep vein thrombosis to get at Sydney Town Hall.


I would love to explore a really good restored Walcker or Steinmeyer.


Lastly, I would even learn a piee by Herbert Howells if I could have a go on the "Newberry Memorial" Skinner at Yale, USA.


Funny thing though, I've never really wanted to play a Cavaille-Coll especially, but I would probably enjoy the experience.



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Funny thing though, I've never really wanted to play a Cavaille-Coll especially, but I would probably enjoy the experience.




Well, I realise that we all have different tastes, but if you were to play the Cavaillé-Coll at S. Sernin, Toulouse, I would be quite surprised if you did not enjoy the experience immensely.

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Here is something for you:

If you ever came to New Zealand, which organ would you rather play out of these...

1) Wellington Town Hall - Norman & Beard 1906

2) Christchurch Cathedral - Hill, Norman & Beard 1924

3) Christchurch Town Hall - Rieger 1997

4) Dunedin Town Hall - Hill, Norman & Beard 1929? (http://www.cityofdunedin.com/organ/organ.htm)


If you do a bit of searching on the net you might find some of the others.

I could also send some specifications just let me know.



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