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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Ripon Cathedral Organ Appeal

Arp Schnitger

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Looks like 'Our friends in the North' will be doing the work: http://www.riponcathedral.org.uk/organ01.php


A pipe sponsorship scheme puts a value on each and every pipe- don't all rush for bottom C of the 32' reed- there are other bargains!


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Looks like 'Our friends in the North' will be doing the work: http://www.riponcathedral.org.uk/organ01.php


A pipe sponsorship scheme puts a value on each and every pipe- don't all rush for bottom C of the 32' reed- there are other bargains!



Gosh isn't this a regimented way of going things! I wish I got paid £50 or £25 for every pipe I tuned! I wish the campaign all the best. J

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Guest Patrick Coleman
Gosh isn't this a regimented way of going things! I wish I got paid £50 or £25 for every pipe I tuned! I wish the campaign all the best. J


We shall be doing the same in our appeal to cover the cost of rehousing the Marylebone Walker (NPOR A00257). But the kindness and generosity of those carrying out the work means we'll be asking considerably less per pipe!

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Gosh isn't this a regimented way of going things! I wish I got paid £50 or £25 for every pipe I tuned! I wish the campaign all the best. J



I must confess to a certain personal involvement in this! It's difficult to make appeals for organ overhauls - as opposed to new instruments - attractive to the general public. The Appeal Committee thought this would be a suitably 'fun way' of getting people involved, and not just organ buffs. It seems to have gone down quite well so far.


These 'pipe sponsorship matrices' (Pfeifenpatenschaft) are quite common in Germany, by the way, which may account for the impression of 'regimentation'.


The individual costs per pipe are, admittedly, fairly arbitrary: if all 3000+ pipes were to be sponsored it would raise about 2/3 of the amount required.



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This is a bit like the way that Guildford Cathedral was sponsored brick by brick - I remember as a child going to the site several times, and each time buying another brick for them.



From the few years I spent there, I wouldn't mind finding out who paid for all the asbestos in the building? Bet that didn't have the same cache as paying for a brick.

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I well remember many years ago, we had a" purchase a pipe appeal" for the Ally Pally Organ Appeal, and I purchased many pipes, with a certificate being issued.

My recollection is that we did not raise that much funding, and I am not sure what happened to it.

We also had a dummy pipe for donations, but often that would ony receive pennies rather than pounds.

So, this appears not to be the way forward to raise money for restoration, the answer being a very kind benefactor, who will realise that you can not take it with you, if you get my drift.

Good luck anyway to Ripon Cathedral.

Colin Richell.

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I'm rather glad that the work to the insturment will not alter it too much tonally. My friend was a lay clerk there, and I often used to go up and hear the organ, although I have never played it. I always thought it rather fine!

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