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Salisbury Cathedral - Maintenance Work

Martin Cooke

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I see from the Salisbury Cathedral website that the Willis is to be out of action for a month between 22 Feb and 22 March for essential work. Does anyone know any more about this? Who is doing what?


Well, it's going to be Harrisons. My money's on the Pedal 32' reed chest, which I don't think has worked properly for a while, and everything else on that wind supply. I'm playing Epiphany on it and will see what I can discover.

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Well, it's going to be Harrisons. My money's on the Pedal 32' reed chest, which I don't think has worked properly for a while, and everything else on that wind supply. I'm playing Epiphany on it and will see what I can discover.

Interesting - all the reeds were out of action just a few years ago for essential chest maintenance. I would be interested to learn what you discover, David.

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I wonder whether there might be a connection between the second sentence of this press release...


...and this: http://forum.hauptwerk.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5920

...which refers back to this: http://forum.hauptwerk.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4545


What depressingly sloppy English in the press release (wrong use of apostrophe and 'due to'). You'd think an ancient cathedral would set a better standard.



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I will be very interested to hear what David finds out when he plays at Salisbury next month. If my memory serves me correctly the organ was out of action a couple of years ago for maintenance, including a super-efficient new piston system. I believe all the sampling for the Haupwerk system was completed months ago. (I am waiting eagerly for the release of the complete "dry" version.) I know it is subjected to very heavy usage, of which accompanying the daily services is only a part, but I wouldn't have thought it needed quite so much major maintenance so often. But, perhaps I am wrong..........



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What depressingly sloppy English in the press release (wrong use of apostrophe and 'due to'). You'd think an ancient cathedral would set a better standard.



Hear. hear! They obviously haven't read Lynne Truss.

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Well, the $64,000 question remains, as pertinent to this forum as to the Hauptwerk forum:


Whilst the Salisbury cathedral pipe organ is out of action, will they be using the digitilised version of the Salisbury cathedral organ to accompany services? I gather that the organist at Salisbury even has his own four manual console at home that runs Hauptwerk, so it's not too hard to guess what will be on his Christmas present list this year!



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Well, the $64,000 question remains, as pertinent to this forum as to the Hauptwerk forum:


Whilst the Salisbury cathedral pipe organ is out of action, will they be using the digitilised version of the Salisbury cathedral organ to accompany services? I gather that the organist at Salisbury even has his own four manual console at home that runs Hauptwerk, so it's not too hard to guess what will be on his Christmas present list this year!




I'm guessing he won't be needing to put it on his Christmas list; he presumably already has a courtesy copy. Those demo clips were of him playing the HW version of the organ, not the real thing. But that raises the other $64,000 question: how many people, listening to those demos, could honestly say they could tell the difference?

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I will be very interested to hear what David finds out when he plays at Salisbury next month. If my memory serves me correctly the organ was out of action a couple of years ago for maintenance, including a super-efficient new piston system. I know it is subjected to very heavy usage, of which accompanying the daily services is only a part, but I wouldn't have thought it needed quite so much major maintenance so often. But, perhaps I am wrong..........




It hasn't been right down for a major overhaul for donkey's years. The console's been done, and the Solo was out for a while, and various other bits and bobs, and obviously some other major part is being tackled this time - major enough to have the thing not playing for a while, anyway.

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I'm guessing he won't be needing to put it on his Christmas list; he presumably already has a courtesy copy. Those demo clips were of him playing the HW version of the organ, not the real thing. But that raises the other $64,000 question: how many people, listening to those demos, could honestly say they could tell the difference?


I'm sure I couldn't. But then, listening to a CD of an electronic substitute and listening to a CD of a real organ are going to be pretty similar in that the sound will be electronically processed and coming from speakers in either case!

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  • 3 weeks later...

The answer is that the blower room is having its ceiling repaired, and that entails taking the blower right out.


The magnets of the Pedal reed chest are being replaced, and there is to be some remedial work to the console, plus a couple of new pistons.

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Did you enjoy using the temporary 'special' pistons? I thought they were marvellous on Wednesday! ;)


Why waste money on elephants when you can use half a pencil? I have a small graphite dot on my finger which even a long, hot bath has failed to shift.

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  • 1 month later...
Well, I went to evensong yesterday to hear it for the last time for a month (visiting choir). Actually, the real reason was to see if they had installed Daniel's Hptwk system, but I couldn't see it anywhere.

Does the "real" organ console have a MIDI connection? If so, they might not need to import Daniel's HW console... We shall see.

I will also try to get down there sometime in the next couple of weeks.

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