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Birthday Honours


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Of course honours are not automatically conferred. People need to be nominated. Perhaps forum members who know Dr Jackson personally can ensure he is brought to the attention of the authorities (in the right way). www.gov.uk/honours/nominate-someone-in-the-uk

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10 hours ago, Adnosad said:

Probably as a direct result of him being born and bred  north of Watford Gap.    Time well overdue that all this nonsense was swept  out with the rest of the detritus.



I completely agree.  You would have thought that in the 21st century the London-centricism would have become passé, and people of this country would have been valued equally regardless of where they live.  Not so, I'm afraid.

Congratulations to Stephen Cleobury, though.  Well deserved.  I remember once, years ago, I wrote to him personally asking for some information about one of the pieces I'd heard on the Nine Lessons and Carols series (this before the days of Google!).  I received a very nice response and explanation despite his being, I'm sure, a very busy gentleman.

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8 hours ago, DaveHarries said:

It could be that he [FJ] has been offered something in the past and turned it down.


That may well be the case.
But if it were, one might have expected something to be said quietly on his behalf, so that the rest of us don't make the same  complaint every year.

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My personal experience of Stephen Cleobury (apart from broadcasts and visits to King's College) was when I was a member of the Board of Management of the IAO Benevolent Fund and Stephen Cleobury was (is) its chairman.  As well as being a most efficient and business-like chairman, what struck me was his genuine interest, concern and compassion for some of our less well-off organist colleagues, whether from illness or having fallen on hard times, and the courtesy noted by John Robinson with which he invariably chaired the meetings.

Not the subject here, but tribute is also due to the late Anthony Cooke (note, John, a Yorkshireman!) who was the incredibly hard-working secretary.

I'm sure that the Knighthood is well-earned, and has nothing to do with geography.

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On ‎08‎/‎06‎/‎2019 at 11:57, Adnosad said:

Time well overdue that all this nonsense was swept  out with the rest of the detritus.

I'm not sure I entirely agree with that. Both of my parents were honoured,  and both with the CBE. My mother earned it for her work in France in 1944. My father for his work during the cold war. My late wife's father was knighted for his work for the defence of the UK in 1941/2! 

I looked at the list. I wasn't aware that Sir Stephen Cleobury held a Doctorate but his knighthood was, nevertheless, well earned!

Jonathan Dove, the composer,  Prof. Joanna McGregor, the pianist and Mark Padmore, the tenor have been awarded the CBE.

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