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John Robinson

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Everything posted by John Robinson

  1. Well it would be a swimming pool with excellent acoustics!
  2. I'm very please to see that the producers of the video managed to keep going until the end of the organ voluntary. Perhaps the BBC should take note! I also noticed at least one member of the academic staff without tie and another wearing jeans. A sign of the times I suppose.
  3. I'm glad you mentioned that. I have had what I assume to be tennis elbow for a couple of weeks now. It began when I was doing some screwing (no, please don't condemn me yet. I'm serious). I usually use a power drill/screwdriver but, stupidly, couldn't be bothered to get it out on this occasion. Obviously, my forearm isn't used to such movements - twisting of the forearm, as you have mentioned. I haven't bothered the quack about this as it's not all that bad. I'm trying to avoid undue movement of the arm, but I understand tennis elbow (if that's what it is) can persist for many weeks.
  4. Thanks Friedrich. My laptop speakers are not exactly 'hi-fi' (!), but I am assuming, then, that adding the septieme makes the sound of a tierce (+nasard, etc) even more reedy? If I understand it correctly the ninth and eleventh, on the other hand, do not contribute any 'reediness'?
  5. I should certainly go as my mother-in-law lives in Bradford. Oh...wait... Seriously, though, I'd like to go but I'm not free on that date.
  6. Yes, I did as well. As for the drowned out bits, yes, the BBC don't seem to like organ music, do they? They seem to prefer to hear people talking.
  7. None in the SE quarter dome now. Not for 20 years, I think.
  8. Infinitely better than, "The organ will now play."
  9. Not quite smiting anybody, but I have a recording of Francis Jackson's 'Tremble though Earth at the presence of the Lord' (Psalm 114, I think) being thoroughly trembled with the 32' reed at York.
  10. My thanks too, Friedrich. I look forward to the day when someone with both the necessary interest and the necessary resources creates a YouTube video demonstrating all of these more unusual mutations in context and combination, obviously, with the lower pitched unison ranks.
  11. Or perhaps it's just a particularly liquid-sounding flute!
  12. Good. Let's hope this work comes to fruition. I seem to remember, before they added the Positif/Chancel division, there was what appeared to be a 16' open metal in the prospect. I don't know whether these were speaking pipes but, presuming they were, I assume they must have been part of a Pedal stop as, to the best of my knowledge, there has never been an open (or any) double on the Great.
  13. Thanks Alex. I applaud your decision to include a 16' Open Diapason, presumably on the Great, and a 32' reed which is sure to add to the grandeur of the instrument. Is there sufficient space in the existing chamber (in the chancel)? I should imagine it would already be quite full!
  14. This looks like an interesting project. It sounds as if Klais have already planned and designed the organ (though it is yet to be built), yet I cannot find a specification or stop-list on the web site. Do you know whether one is available?
  15. I quite agree. I never thought the old Nave Organ 'got in the way' or looked out of place. An oddity which, I hope, could possibly be rectified if and when the work takes place is that there isn't a single double on the Great Organ, whilst there are on the Swell and even the Choir/Positif/Chancel (whatever they're calling it now!).
  16. I'm afraid we're getting into territory that I don't fully understand here. I believe that when I downloaded and unzipped the files they appeared as m4a files which play correctly on my version of Windows Media Player (without the need to convert them to mp3).
  17. I'm not sure what caused all this, CB. Just sorry to hear of your problems. It is, of course, expected that files will be much bigger when they have been unzipped. I see nothing wrong with downloading and saving music files if they are for one's own use and there is no attempt to sell them or profit from them. (Now the Performing Arts Police - PAP - will be down on me like a ton of bricks!)
  18. They look as though they might once have been identical, though. Perhaps one of them 'ran' in the wash!
  19. I, too, tried to 'like' it, but apparently I've had my quota as well despite not using any yet!
  20. Well done! Why on earth do people chatter during organ voluntaries? I'm sure that wouldn't happen if it were an orchestra or choir. I suppose many people see the organ as only there to provide background music such as what they hear in a supermarket.
  21. Strange. I didn't have any problems. Did you 'download in groups'?
  22. Thanks Martin. That explains a lot. I had noticed, when watching Carols from Kings from various years on You Tube, that sometimes it's on and sometimes it's off! I hadn't seen the one with the continuity error, though. I'm a little surprised that he hasn't yet taken a DMus from Cambridge yet, bearing in mind his enviable position.
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