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John Robinson

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Everything posted by John Robinson

  1. I first saw that book at the local library about 40 years ago and enjoyed reading it. I have often thought about obtaining a copy but, of course, it is now out of print. Imagine my joy when I saw second hand copies available on your link. I have just bought a copy from Amazon for a little over £20. Thanks for the link!
  2. It would be nice to get back to York, just as soon as anyone is aware of what changes are planned to the organ. ?
  3. "The aim is to ensure the unique sound of the Minster’s organ is preserved, while restoring the grander, imposing qualities of the instrument which were altered during work in the 1960s." I wonder whether this implies the removal, in part or in whole, of the additions made by Dr Jackson at that time. These were to "make the instrument more musical" and included the insertion of several mutations absent beforehand. Even today, I believe that mutations are generally regarded as essential. On the other hand, I do hope that the (in)famous Tuba Mirabilis is not disposed of! A unique sound, and loved by many. I look forward with interest to the publication of the intended changes to the stop list. As for "changes to the organ case to both improve how it looks and the sound it allows out", I believe that reflective roofs were added above the case several years ago for that reason. Perhaps it has been decided that this hasn't proved entirely successful. Another thing I'd be interested to hear when the time comes.
  4. Another one, which I am fortunate to possess, is one LP in a set of five: OR-EX 71 featuring pieces by Fischer, Froberger, Kerll, Muffatt and Kolb. Very helpfully, it includes detailed registration information for each of those pieces.
  5. 'Oktavered' or perhaps 'octavered': I think are good explanatory terms! I expect to see them in the next edition of the OED.
  6. When we were married in 1987 my wife-to-be came in to Charpentier's Te Deum, which I had requested. Only a small parish church in Bradford, but the organist was excellent. We couldn't afford a trumpeter as well, thougn.
  7. If true, I think that's nasty. Perhaps it is the same people who are trying to snatch Gibraltar from our hands. They won't get it!
  8. I'm pleased for the nuns. Hopefully, the organ was restored to good condition!
  9. Yes, I too find Weingarten a fascinating organ. A couple of other interesting things about it are that whereas most of the instrument is played by tracker action (which must be quite complicated in layout), the Kronwerk section is connected to the Oberwerk by (presumably lead) conduits. The other thing that comes to mind is that there is one rank of pipes, I think a Vox Humana in the Rückpositiv, that is made of ivory. Not too many of them around these days, I'm sure!
  10. I believe that some British universities have now adopted the title of 'Associate Professor' in place of the traditional 'Reader' appointment, perhaps because it sounds more important! I think that British adoption of American terms and language is increasing, no doubt because of the influence of American TV programmes and films and, of course, the Internet. How long before our honours classifications are replaced by 'Cum Laude', 'Magna Cum Laude' and 'Summa Cum Laude', I wonder?
  11. Yes, and interestingly (in this country anyway) more doctorates awarded h.c. have the right to wear a nice, bright predominantly scarlet robe, whereas those who have earned their doctorate by academic means (eg, PhD, EdD, etc) have rather less 'showy' robes! Fair? Well, it really doesn't bother me, my having neither!
  12. This book is well worth it. Sadly, I bought mine before the free DVD was on offer!
  13. Bearing in mind how names change over time, is it possible that they were referring to a Cornet?
  14. I thought I'd try this out and typed in 'pipe organ instrument' (without the quotes), bearing in mind that if you should mention the word 'organ' to the man in the street you are likely to end up discussing something completely unrelated to musical instruments! Every one of the links on the first page was, in fairness, pertinent to the pipe organ. Predictably, I suppose, all three adverts at the top of the page were for digital organs or keyboards.
  15. Ah, that makes more sense. That would provide 1,073,741,823 possible sounds then. Quite an acceptable choice!
  16. Thanks, I suspected as much. I have seen a cross-section image of a soundboard on which sit two adjacent strings including a celeste rank, so I assumed it must work.
  17. I wonder what happens with a 2-rank stop, such as Unda Maris I-II 8' Would these ranks be positioned well apart from each other, bearing in mind that they would, presumably, be on the same slider? I'm sure someone here will know for sure.
  18. 3 stops?! Well that would provide, by my calculations, a maximum variety of sounds amounting to no less than SEVEN! (23)-1
  19. I agree. However, although I have never heard it, I believe that the pipe organ there can only be described as pretty weedy anyway. That place really needs a big organ and, as has been said, one that can shout down the tourists!
  20. Using Google Translate, I see that the author is 'not completely in favour' of the use of a toaster in St Peter's!
  21. Clearly, he knew students and their proclivities!
  22. You should visit the new organ in Manchester Cathedral. Some of the pedal pipes are easily within reach of anyone in a side chapel - even the 32' reed tuning springs!
  23. Yet you see voicers blowing into pipes actually within the organ (rather than in the voicing shop)!
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