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Mander Organ Builders Forum

An organist's collective


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Collective nouns are unique to the English language, and often a source of great delight.


I think it's about time we had a suitable one for organists; whether serious or humorous.


We can't have a Mutation of Organists, because that collective noun applies to Thrushes.


We can't even have a Quiver of Theatre Organists, because Arrows claim that particular collective noun.


We can't use the word Thunder, because that applies to Hippos.


I have a few ideas, but in the meantime, can anyone porpose collective nouns for organists or even organ-related things?



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A combination of organists seems straightforward enough for starters.

A voicing of organ-builders.







I like the combination of organists, which is less easily misunderstood than, say, a registration of organists.


For organ-builders, I quite like a kist of organ-builders, or perhaps even a swell of organ-builders.



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It's amazing, the diverse things one can learn on this forum.


Do we know where this group is gathered MM? For example, on the ground we can have a "Gaggle" of geese, whereas in flight they become a "Skein."


In a similar vein might we have a "Bench" of organists (playing) or, gathered somewhere else, dare I suggest a "Bar" of organists? :):P:D

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Remembering one I knew many years ago whose personal hygiene was not always up to scratch (ha!), a Rank of organists maybe... :wacko:




I don't think it's allowed to have a rank of pipes AND a rank of organists. Similarly, the words bench and bar act as collective nouns, (perhaps obtusely) within the legal profession.


If an organist lacks personal hygeine, they are unlikely to be part of a group, but in the event that like minds gather to smell roses, I suppose one could have a "whiffle" of organists, or even a "mold" of organists if they play in theatre-pits or in damp surroundings.


I don't think we could have the word grind, because that is too close to organ-grinders and barrel-organs and may confuse.


No, I think we need to explore the intellectual depths a little.


What about a fugue of organists? Maybe a loft of organists?


Organ-builders are much more difficult to cater for; it's such a diverse craft. Perhaps a gallery, chest or case of organ-builders?



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It's amazing, the diverse things one can learn on this forum.


Do we know where this group is gathered MM? For example, on the ground we can have a "Gaggle" of geese, whereas in flight they become a "Skein."


In a similar vein might we have a "Bench" of organists (playing) or, gathered somewhere else, dare I suggest a "Bar" of organists? :):P:D





I've always used the word gaggle to describe clergy gatherings. Am I alone?



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I don't think we could have the word grind, because that is too close to organ-grinders and barrel-organs and may confuse.


For what it's worth, members of the Cathedral Organists' Association sometimes refer to their meetings as 'The Grinders' Thrash'.

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It's so easy to go off-topic, isn't it? In my world (education) thought was once given to the collective noun for school governors in independent schools such as the one where I work. It was decided it should be a 'bidet' of governors, on the grounds that they add a touch of class but nobody really knows what they're for!

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