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Easter Greetings

Peter Clark

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So what's everyone singing/playing/hearing this Easter then?




Maundy Thursday evening

Mass of St Thomas (Thorne)

During foot washing - Ubi caritas Taize

Anthem - O Saviour of the world (Goss)

At the start of the watch - Stay with me Taize


Good Friday liturgy

Anthem - Were you there? (adaptation of arrangement by Bob Chilcott)

Reproaches - simplified plainsong version from NEH

plus another Taize - Jesus, remember me - to finish off the Veneration of the Cross


Easter Day


6am Dawn Mass

Plainsong Exsultet

Mass of St Thomas

Anthem - Joy is come (Carter)

No voluntary - we finish with the 'Breakfast gospel' at the west door, so straight off to breakfast after disrobing!


10am Eucharist

Mass of St Thomas (again! - its our festival mass setting)

Anthem - Blessed be the God and Father (Wesley - switched to the morning for a change!)

Voluntary - Toccata from 5th (Widor)


6.30pm Evensong

Smith Responses

Psalm 114 (Bairstow)

Brewer in D

Anthem - Not unto us O Lord (Walmisley - in Anthems for Choirs 1, done mainly for the jubilant 'Hallelujah' section)

Voluntary - Carillon de Westminster (Vierne)


And on Good Friday evening probably a trip to hear St John Passion. Its always the best weekend of the year, and worth all the effort we put into it.

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Happy Easter! I hope you have all hidden your easter eggs (preferably at the console, so you can find them during the services :rolleyes: )


I just had a great Good Friday service. I turn up at the church at 10:20am ten minutes before the service is due to start, but notice as I pull into the car park there are no cars. So I go into the church and saw no sign of any service due to take place, so grab my music from the organ and go back to the car. A few minutes later I get a call from a nervous sounding minister asking where I am. I reply at the church. His reply: "Did anyone tell you its at the Presbyterian church?"



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So what's everyone singing/playing/hearing this Easter then?




Maundy Thursday evening

Mass of St Thomas (Thorne)

During foot washing - Ubi caritas Taize

Anthem - O Saviour of the world (Goss)

At the start of the watch - Stay with me Taize


Good Friday liturgy

Anthem - Were you there? (adaptation of arrangement by Bob Chilcott)

Reproaches - simplified plainsong version from NEH

plus another Taize - Jesus, remember me - to finish off the Veneration of the Cross


Easter Day


6am Dawn Mass

Plainsong Exsultet

Mass of St Thomas

Anthem - Joy is come (Carter)

No voluntary - we finish with the 'Breakfast gospel' at the west door, so straight off to breakfast after disrobing!


10am Eucharist

Mass of St Thomas (again! - its our festival mass setting)

Anthem - Blessed be the God and Father (Wesley - switched to the morning for a change!)

Voluntary - Toccata from 5th (Widor)


6.30pm Evensong

Smith Responses

Psalm 114 (Bairstow)

Brewer in D

Anthem - Not unto us O Lord (Walmisley - in Anthems for Choirs 1, done mainly for the jubilant 'Hallelujah' section)

Voluntary - Carillon de Westminster (Vierne)


And on Good Friday evening probably a trip to hear St John Passion. Its always the best weekend of the year, and worth all the effort we put into it.



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So what's everyone singing/playing/hearing this Easter then?




Maundy Thursday evening

Mass of St Thomas (Thorne)

During foot washing - Ubi caritas Taize

Anthem - O Saviour of the world (Goss)

At the start of the watch - Stay with me Taize


Good Friday liturgy

Anthem - Were you there? (adaptation of arrangement by Bob Chilcott)

Reproaches - simplified plainsong version from NEH

plus another Taize - Jesus, remember me - to finish off the Veneration of the Cross


Easter Day


6am Dawn Mass

Plainsong Exsultet

Mass of St Thomas

Anthem - Joy is come (Carter)

No voluntary - we finish with the 'Breakfast gospel' at the west door, so straight off to breakfast after disrobing!


10am Eucharist

Mass of St Thomas (again! - its our festival mass setting)

Anthem - Blessed be the God and Father (Wesley - switched to the morning for a change!)

Voluntary - Toccata from 5th (Widor)


6.30pm Evensong

Smith Responses

Psalm 114 (Bairstow)

Brewer in D

Anthem - Not unto us O Lord (Walmisley - in Anthems for Choirs 1, done mainly for the jubilant 'Hallelujah' section)

Voluntary - Carillon de Westminster (Vierne)


And on Good Friday evening probably a trip to hear St John Passion. Its always the best weekend of the year, and worth all the effort we put into it.


Joyeuses Paques - I'm 'on' for Easter morning - a chunk of Messiah - Mass of St Thomas (Thorne) - This Joyful Eastertide and suitable improvisation at the Communion and my Festival Postlude on the way out. Then off to France for a week.



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So what's everyone singing/playing/hearing this Easter then?

St Paul's Birmingham.

Today, Good Friday:


Via Crucis - Liszt (with projected artwork/images)

O Mensch, bewein' dein Sünde gross BWV 622 - J.S. Bach


Easter Day:


Anthem: Most Glorious Lord of Life - William H. Harris

Voluntary: Incantation pour un jour Saint - Jean Langlais


Anthem: Blessed be the God and Father - Samuel Sebastian Wesley

Voluntary: Fugue (Alleluia Pascal) - Marcel Dupré


A peaceful Easter to you all.



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So what's everyone singing/playing/hearing this Easter then?

Maundy Thursday evening:

Howells "Collegium Regale" Mass

Duruflé - Ubi Caritas

Whitlock - O living bread


Easter Vigil (5:00am)

Howells "Collegium Regale" (Gloria) and DHM Missa Victimae Paschali

Taverner - Dum transisset

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Last Night:


Setting: Wood in the Phyridgian Mode (one of only three times a year we're allowed to divert from the congregational setting)

Foot Washing Anthem: Ubi Caritas - Durufle

Motet: Ave Verum Corpus - Byrd

Start of the Watch: Lamentations - Bairstow


Today (Good Friday)


Crux Fidelis - Palestrina

and the reproaches out of the suppliment to NEH


Sunday (Morning)

Mass of St Thomas (back to the every sunday mass *Yawn)

Christ the Lord is Risen Again - Foster

Toccata in G - Dubois


Evening - Rededication of the Organ after rebuild

Smith Responses

Psalm 114 (Bairstow) 117 (Stewart)

Stanford in B flat

Blessed be the God and Father - Wesley

Stanford in B Flat 'Te Deum'

3rd Movement from Sonata No.1 - Guilmant


I'm somewhat worried about the 'new' organ though. Still missing six stops, and the rest hideously out of tune. Hopefully the tuning at least will be sorted tomorrow...

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May I join in the thanks for this wonderful forum and Easter greetings to all?


Here in Cheltenham (All Saints') we are having a fairly busy week:

Palm Sunday morning:

Ingrediente Domino - Malcolm (just before we set off on the outdoor procession)

Hosanna to the Son of David - Weelkes (at the west end of the church to greet The Cross

Setting - A New English Folk Mas (from NEH)

Motet - God so loved the world - Stainer



We constructed a Passiontide meditation instead of our usual evensong using the Schutz The Seven Last Words from The Cross as the 'meat' in a sandwich. The 'bread' being Praise to Thee Lord Jesus and some of the Schutz Geistliche Konzerte, Die Seele Christi (ATB), Das Blut (SSB), Eile mich (S), Ehore mich (SS). We put in some passiontide hymns for the punters each proceeded by a chorale prelude; Alas my God - Ach Gott und Herr BWV 714, Ah Holy Jesus - Herzliebster Jesu BWV 1093, O sacred head - Herzlich tut mich verlangen BuxWV


Maundy Thursday:

Ubi caritas - Durufle (during the washing)

Setting - Darke in F

Motet - Ave verum - Byrd

Ps 88 to plainchant for the stripping of the altars


Good Friday:

Ps 22, vv 1-22 to plainchant

Gesualdo - O vos omnes

Reproaches - Sanders

Agnus Dei from the Phrygian Mode setting - Wood


Easter Day morning:

Mass in D, K194 - Mozart

Heac Dies - Byrd



Responses - Rose

Pss 114 (Bairstow), 118 (ch. Whitlock)

Coll. Reg. - Wood

Christ the Lord is risen again (no time to rehearse anything else!) - Rutter

O salutaris - plainchant

Tantum ergo - Henschell


Low Sunday the choir are free!!


It's good to know what others are doing. The information can be an inspiration.




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RC Church of Our Lady & St Kenelm, Halesowen

Palm Sunday morning:

Hosanna to the Son of David - English plainsong setting

Responsorial Psalm - Dutson

Mass setting - English plainsong

Anthem - Hosianna dem Sonne David - Telemann

(organ only used for accompanying the hymns during Lent)


Maundy Thursday:

English plainsong mass setting, + Murray Gloria with organ 'fanfare' [i don't do improvising, so it was actually the last page of Cocker's Tuba Tune!] between the intonation and the Gloria itself. No more organ at all until Saturday night now.

Responsorial Psalm - Hodgetts

Ubi caritas - plainsong..square notes'n'all

Motet - Ave verum - Byrd

Pange Lingua


Good Friday:

Responsorial Psalm - Hodgetts

Reproaches - Victoria

Christus Factus Est - Cannicciari


Easter Vigil (same music @ Easter morning)

lots of responsorial psalms

Murray Mass setting, with another 'fanfare' after the Gloria intonation, (probably end of Vierne I Final).

Stanford - Why Seek Ye

H.Smart - Postlude



Off to St Paul's Birmingham to play Blessed Be the G&F for Mr Carr (see above). Hopefully this year he won't have to phone Mrs Contrabordun on Easter Monday afternoon to substantiate my account of why I didn't get home until 1.30am...

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So what's everyone singing/playing/hearing this Easter then?


Here at St Stephen's Church, Canterbury we're doing (or have been doing...)


Sunday 28th March

Palm Sunday

10:30 am SUNG EUCHARIST (Choir 10:15)

Introit - Hosanna to the Son of David - Weelkes

Setting - The Hadleigh Setting - Alan Ridout

Responsorial Psalm 31 vv. 9-16

Anthem - God so loved the world - John Stainer

Hymns 511, 509, 90, 82, 86 (omit vv. 4 & 6)

Organ voluntary

06:00 pm SERVICE FOR PASSIONTIDE (Choir 5:30)


Wednesday 31st March

07:00 pm Trebles practice

07:30 pm Full practice


Thursday 1st April

Maundy Thursday


Gloria - Mass of St Thomas - David Thorne

Gospel Acclamations, Sanctus, Agnus Dei - The Hadleigh Setting - Alan Ridout

Taizé chant - Ubi caritas

Anthem - Ave verum corpus - William Byrd

Hymns 293 (t. 239), 297, 270, 268 (part 1; t. 202)

Psalm 22 vv. 1-21 (tone 2i)


Friday 2nd April

Good Friday

10:00 am ALL AGES SERVICE (Trebles 9:30)

Anthem - Were you there? - American Spiritual melody, arranged by Stephen Barker

Hymns 92, 375

02:00 pm LITURGY OF THE DAY (Choir 1:15, soloists 1:00)

Psalm 22 vv. 1-21 (tone 2i)

Passion - Victoria

Reproaches - Victoria

Agnus Dei - plainsong

Anthem - Crucifixus - Lotti

Hymns 92, 94, 517 (omit vv. 3-8), 82, 95


Sunday 4th April

Easter Day

06:00 am SERVICE OF LIGHT (Choir 5:45)

Setting- Mass of St Thomas - David Thorne

Exsultet part 1 - t. 'Woodlands' NEH 186

Exsultet part 2 - plainsong

Hymns 120, 110

Organ voluntary - Paraphrase on a theme from Judas Maccabeus - Alexandra Guilmant

08:00 am HOLY COMMUNION (No Choir)

Hymn 110

10:30 am FESTIVAL SUNG EUCHARIST (Choir 10:15)

Introit - This joyful Eastertide - arr. Charles Wood

Setting - The Johannesburg Service - John Bertalot

Anthem - Christ the Lord is risen again - John Rutter

Hymns 110, 117, 116, 123, 120

Organ voluntary - Sortie in E-flat - Louis Lefebure-Wely

06:00 pm FESTIVAL CHORAL EVENSONG (Choir 5:40)

Introit - This joyful Eastertide - arr. Charles Wood

Preces & Responses - William Smith

Psalm 66 vv. 1-11

Canticles - Brewer in D

Anthem - Sing choirs of heaven - Richard Shepherd

Hymns 120, 331, 117


And then we're off to Rochester Cathedral to sing Easter Saturday and Low Sunday!


Happy Easter everyone!



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RC Church of Our Lady & St Kenelm, Halesowen

Palm Sunday morning:

Hosanna to the Son of David - English plainsong setting

Responsorial Psalm - Dutson

Mass setting - English plainsong

Anthem - Hosianna dem Sonne David - Telemann

(organ only used for accompanying the hymns during Lent)


Maundy Thursday:

English plainsong mass setting, + Murray Gloria with organ 'fanfare' [i don't do improvising, so it was actually the last page of Cocker's Tuba Tune!] between the intonation and the Gloria itself. No more organ at all until Saturday night now.

Responsorial Psalm - Hodgetts

Ubi caritas - plainsong..square notes'n'all

Motet - Ave verum - Byrd

Pange Lingua


Good Friday:

Responsorial Psalm - Hodgetts

Reproaches - Victoria

Christus Factus Est - Cannicciari


Easter Vigil (same music @ Easter morning)

lots of responsorial psalms

Murray Mass setting, with another 'fanfare' after the Gloria intonation, (probably end of Vierne I Final).

Stanford - Why Seek Ye

H.Smart - Postlude



Off to St Paul's Birmingham to play Blessed Be the G&F for Mr Carr (see above). Hopefully this year he won't have to phone Mrs Contrabordun on Easter Monday afternoon to substantiate my account of why I didn't get home until 1.30am...


Mmmmm, I suspect in a few years I'll be supplying an alibi for Bordini too... :rolleyes:

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Can I wish everyone a happy and holy Easter and once again thank John and Rachel for their hosting this forum for us.








A very happy Easter to everyone.


I'm looking forward to eating my "Stig" chocolate egg. :ph34r:



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My Easter...


On Easter Day I was in St Sulpice and at the end of High Mass there was a most wonderful accolade from the Preist in charge, and much applause, to mark the 25th anniversary of Daniel Roth's appointment .


Later, after all the services were finished, someone (Daniel Roth?) played.... the Widor Toccata! :ph34r:


Perhaps its not too soon to be thinking about the 150th anniversary of the organ in 2012.


After such a sublime morning I made a huge mistake by going to St Eustache where Guillou, who will be 80 later this month, played Listz's Ad nos - I'd never heard this organ before and I would think this was the worst possible choice of music to play on it, I'm afraid it sounded complete nonsense, if Salvador Dali could have played the organ, I'm sure he would have used the same tone colours .... I think Guillou's playing has its own unique mastery, but the organ....


Oh, I nearly forgot, there was one person who clearly enjoyed every second of the Ad Nos, he was a strange fellow standing in the aisle facing towards the organ who enacted all the organ sounds.....

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Not as much as I used to. At one time I played a number of the "Thirty" chorale preludes (the ones on three sets of ten) quite often but I ended up getting a bored with them and some of them seemed rather contrived. I still play somew of th bigger works on occasions, including the Flemish Rhapsody which is much neglected. I'm told by one of his former students that he wasa very good teacher.



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Speaking of Flor Peeters, his Missa Festiva was the setting for the BBC's live TV broadcast from Winchester yesterday morning. Also features Hadley's My beloved spake and at the start a modern-sounding piece with lots of Alleluias and organ interjections. Unfortunately they seem to have got their timings wrong as the last hymn got cut out midway through the first verse! Still, worth a watch, some good singing and nice organ improvisations.

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...and one more:


On Saturday night the Beeb had 'Easter from Kings' on, similar idea to the Christmas version. Again lots of nice singing and some varied music interspersed with hymns and readings (not all biblical). As it focused on the whole of Holy Week there wasn't masses of Easter stuff in it - only a bit at the end and the opening hymn. There's about a minute of the Final from Vierne 1 to cover the closing credits.

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